Non-necrotizing granuloma in a lymph node in the neck. Cultures grew Mycobacterium avium.
Wikipedia web lungs 661

Granuloma without necrosis in a lymph node of a person with sarcoidosis
Wikipedia web lungs 662


Granuloma with central necrosis in a lung of a person with tuberculosis: Note the Langerhans-type giant cells (with many nuclei arranged in a horseshoe-like pattern at the edge of the cell) around the periphery of the granuloma. Langerhans-type giant cells are seen in many types of granulomas and are not specific for tuberculosis.
Wikipedia web lungs 663
High magnification micrograph of asteroid bodies in pulmonary sarcoidosis. H&E stain. Asteroid bodies are associated with granulomatous inflammation. On a H&E stained section, as seen here, they are light pink, have a star-fish like morphology and surrounded by white (clearing)
Acknowledgement Nephron -Wikipedia
Granulomatous reaction to nylon suture material
Acknowledging Yale Rosen Wikipedia web lungs 664

Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis is a disease that most commonly affects the midlung field Next in frequency are the upper lung field and lastly diffuse involvement. Anatomically the small airways and the alveoli are affected with inflammation and granulomas are present
Ashley Davidoff MD lungs-0732b01