Types of Fluid Accumulations and Appearance as Ground Glass Ground Glass Inflammatory Infiltrates – Half Filled Alveoli
Inflammatory fluids half fill the alveolus and will therefore result in ground Glass Infiltrates
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net
Types of Fluid Accumulations and Appearance as Ground Glass Infiltrates
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net lungs-0702d- lo res
Types of Fluid Accumulation in the Alveoli
The acute inflammatory process results in fluid exudation into the alveoli which can take the form of a serous transudate, and exudate or in the form of mucus, and when severe (eg ARDS) can result in tissue and vessel destruction and could be be blood tinged. Infected fluid could be mucoid or purulent. The extent of filling the alveoli results either in a ground glass appearance when partially filled or a consolidation when filled.
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net
lungs-0701d- lo res