- Axial Interstitium:
- Surrounds and supports the bronchovascular bundles.
- Includes connective tissue along the bronchi, pulmonary arteries, and veins.
- Extends from the hilum to the periphery of the lung.
- Parenchymal (Acinar) Interstitium:
- Found within the alveolar walls.
- Includes the fine network of connective tissue that surrounds capillaries and provides structural support to alveoli.
- This component is crucial for gas exchange and is the primary site affected in interstitial lung diseases.
- Peripheral (Subpleural) Interstitium:
- Located at the outermost layer of the lungs.
- Lies beneath the pleura and extends into the septa between lung lobules.
- Includes the interlobular septa and lymphatic vessels.
Axial Interstitium with Associated Lymphatics
Pulmonary Artery and
Tubular Components of the
Bronchovascular Bundle
Lymphatics in the Bronchovascular Bundles Involved in LIP
Extending to the Small Airways
Lymphatics in the Parenchymal Interstitium
Secondary Lobules
Extending to the
Interalveolar Septa
Interlobular Septa
Subpleural Layer
Parenchymal (Acinar) Interstitium:
Lymphatics in the Interlobular Septa
Infiltration of
Lymhocytes Histiocytes and Plasma Cells into the
Interalveolar Septa
Peripheral (Subpleural) Interstitium