

Path 14 years ago

Wedge biopsy lung designated “left upper lobe”: Noncaseating granulomas consistent with sarcoidosis (comment)
Comment: Clinical correlation is required to arise at a diagnosis of sarcoidosis. AFB and fungal PAS stains are negative. The differential diagnosis also includes berylliosis and other occupational lung diseases, talc granulomatosis and hypersensitivity pneumonia.
Sections of the gross lung nodules reveal innumerable confluent and small isolated noncaseating granulomas containing numerous multinucleated giant cells. Individual granulomas are scattered throughout the remainder of the lung tissue. An occasional granuloma demonstrates central necrosis. An occasional Schaumann body is identified. The granulomas are rimmed by lymphocytes. The granulomas are noted both peribronchial and within the interstitium. A few of the granulomas are collagenized. Fungal PAS and AFB stains are negative.Wedge biopsy lung designated “left upper lobe”: Noncaseating granulomas consistent with sarcoidosis (comment)
Comment: Clinical correlation is required to arise at a diagnosis of sarcoidosis. AFB and fungal PAS stains are negative. The differential diagnosis also includes berylliosis and other occupational lung diseases, talc granulomatosis and hypersensitivity pneumonia.
are negative.
CT 10 years ago
hilar adenopathy upper lobe reticular and nodular changes



Lower Lobe Nodules


Mediastinal and Hilar Adenopathy 10 Years Ago


CXR hilar adenopathy upper lobe reticular changes 6years ago

sarcoidosis stage 4 6 YearsAgo

Lymph Nodes Decreasing 6 years ago
