The Common Vein Copyright 2008

Ashley Davidoff MD

The ground-glass pattern is defined as the hazy increase in lung opacity that does not obscure the lung markings. ( imageVirginia

Caused by changes in the  interstitium (interlobular septa alveolar membrane and capillaries ) or in the alveoli  In the capillaries it may be caused by increased capillary volume, while in the interlobular septa it may be caused by early interstitial lung disease. Both inflammatory changes and fibrosis may be present.  In the alveoli may be caused by partial collapse

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About 50% of cases are due to interstitial disease, 25% due to capillary causes and 25% mixed.  It usually implies active disease and potentially treatable disease.

Acute diseases

early CHF

early pneumonia


Acute interstitial pneumonia

Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP)

Viral pneumonias

Early interstitial lung disease

Acute eosinophilic pneumonia

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis ?

Subacute or chronic causes

subacute stage of extrinsic allergic alveolitis. Approximately 50% of patients also have ill-defined nodules, 1-5 mm in diameter.

hypersensitivity pneumonitis,

interstitial lung diseases (NSIP, DIP)


Less common causes include

bronchoalveolar carcinoma

alveolar proteinosis

desquamative interstitial pneumonia (DIP) and

alveolar proteinosis.




In patients with AIDS and acute respiratory symptoms, the presence of new ground glass changes usually implies P Carinni pneumonia.

The presence of ground glass usually implies acute  treatable disease, unless there are other changes that infer fibrosis (traction, honeycombing)


A ground-glass pattern is also seen in the active phase of fibrosing alveolitis where it is usually associated with characteristic subpleural fibrosis. “”” ANATOMICAL and PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS





Ground glas appearance is caused by partial volume artifact and therefore on thick section CT where partial artifact is greater, false positivity is rife.  Therefore the finding should only be made on HRCT

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