The Common Vein Copyright 2008

Ashley Davidoff MD


A round or ovoid, poorly defined pulmonary opacity 4-8 mm in diameter, presumed to represent

Acinar Shadow

The Common Vein Copyright 2008

Ashley Davidoff MD


A round or ovoid, poorly defined pulmonary opacity 4-8 mm in diameter, presumed to represent

a pulmonary acinus rendered opaque by consolidation.


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vs. Tree-in-Bud:

“Tree-in-bud” appearance represents dilated and fluid-filled (i.e. pus, mucus, or inflammatory exudate) centrilobular bronchioles.

a pulmonary acinus rendered opaque by consolidation.







vs. Tree-in-Bud:

“Tree-in-bud” appearance represents dilated and fluid-filled (i.e. pus, mucus, or inflammatory exudate) centrilobular bronchioles.