Ashley Davidoff MD

The kidney is a organ that is part of the genitourinary system.   

The component parts include cortex, medulla collecting ducts the calyces, pelvis and ureters. It is surrounded by a renal capsule and embedded by retroperitoneal fat.

It is characterized by its ability to extract and preserve water and excrete metabolic waste

It is connected to the arterial system via the renal arteries, the venous system via the renal veins  and the urinary bladder via the ureters

Structural features include its unique tubular system with proximal collecting system, loop of Henle and distal collecting system

Functional characteristics include (1-3 functional features).

Common diseases include (1-3 diseases).

Clinical history, examination and (tool/) are key first steps in the diagnostic workup.  Other commonly used tools include (tools used).

Treatment depends on the cause but includes both medical and surgical options.