45-year-old male diabetic presents with flank pain and fever.

Calyceal Filling Defect

CT – Calyceal Filling Defects Candida
45-year-old male diabetic presents with flank pain and fever. CT shows multiple filling defect in a left upper pole calyces. Culture of the urine revealed extensive growth of candida
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 15814c
CT – Calyceal Filling Defect Candida
45-year-old male diabetic presents with flank pain and fever. CT shows multiple filling defect in a left upper pole calyx. Culture of the urine revealed extensive growth of candida
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 15815

Pyelitis and Gas Producing Candida

CT ? Pyelitis Gas Candida
45-year-old male diabetic presents with flank pain and fever. CT shows an air-fluid level in the left renal pelvis and a delay in the excretory phase. The left kidney is swollen with mild intrarenal hydronephrosis Culture of the urine revealed extensive growth of candida
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 15812
CT ? Pyelitis Gas Hydronephrosis Candida
45-year-old male diabetic presents with flank pain and fever. CT shows gas bubbles in the inflamed left renal pelvis with hyperemic urothelium, associated with a fluid collection ? likely an abscess in the renal hilum. In addition, there is mild hydronephrosis, a swollen left kidney and mild delay in the nephrogram. There is induration of Gerota?s fascia and the lateral conal fascia Culture of the urine revealed extensive growth of candida
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 15816c

CT Prior to CT Guided Nephrostomy

CT ? Pyelitis Gas Candida
45-year-old male diabetic presents with flank pain and fever. CT prior to percutaneous nephrostomy, shows a gas containing filling defect in the left renal pelvis. The left kidney is swollen with mild intrarenal hydronephrosis, and induration of Gerota?s fascia  Culture of the urine revealed extensive growth of candida
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 15820c

Nephrostogram – Multiple Calyceal Filling Defects Candida

Nephrostogram – Multiple Calyceal Filling Defects Candida
45-year-old male diabetic presents with flank pain and fever. Nephrostogram shows multiple filling defects in the calyces and throughout the intrarenal collecting system and proximal ureter. Culture of the urine revealed extensive growth of candida
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 15822