Coiled Spring Sign


The Common Vein Copyright 2008



named disease ….. is a type of disease eg inflammationinfection malignant …

characterized by …..

caused by ..etiology or predisposing factors

resulting in a clinical or pathological feature

Sometimes complicated by ….

Diagnosis is suspected clinically by … and confirmed by ….

Imaging includes the use of

Treatment options depend on …. but includes …..

Etymology if available

 Hamartomas in the Small Bowel – Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
Young male with buccal melanocytic lesions presents with intermittant colicky abdominal pain.  The filling defects seen in the small bowel (green) are consistent with polyps.  There is also a loop of small bowel in the right upper quadrant that is dilated.  These findings are consistent with hamartomas in the small bowel in a patient with Peutz Jegher’s syndrome and intusussception should be considered.

00511c01 small bowel dx intussusception fx polyps dx Peutz- Jeghers upper GI UGI imaging radiology contrast X-Ray Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD

Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome with Intusussception
The patient above with polypoid lesions in the small bowel was noted to have intermittant intussusception during the follow through examination.  In this image the intussusceptum (pink) is seen within the dilated intussuscipiens where a “stack of coins” or “coil spring effect” of telescoped valvulae are noted.

00512c01 small bowel intussusception upper GI UGI imaging radiology contrast X-Ray fx coil of springs stack of coins dx Peutz- Jeghers Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD