Small Kidney on Ultrasound with Renal Sinus Lipomatosis
Small (7.5cms ) Kidney on Ultrasound with Renal Sinus Lipomatosis and Thinned Cortex
Ashley Davidoff MD The
 Unilateral Small Smooth Kidney
Unilateral small smooth left kidney with compensatory enlargement of the right kidney
Ashley Davidoff
Unilateral small smooth left kidney with compensatory enlargement of the right kidney  The left kidney measures 5.3cms and the right kidney measures 12.5cms
Ashley Davidoff
Unilateral small smooth left kidney with compensatory enlargement of the right kidney
Ashley Davidoff
The CTA shows a barely visible small left kidney with no definite main left renal artery identified. The right kidney has a calcified plaque at the origin of the right renal artery but the vessel is otherwise patent. Atherosclerotic occlusion of the left renal artery is likely. There is extensive atherosclerotic disease in the aorta and iliac systems
Ashley Davidoff

Bilateral Small Smooth Kidneys

CT scan shows bilateral small smooth kidneys with significant renal sinus lipomatosis.  There is a pancreatic effusion and enlarged head of the pancreas reflecting acute pancreatitis
Ashley Davidoff MD
44 year old male with Chronic Renal Failure s/p Renal Transplant and Osteodystrophy due to secondary hyperparathyroidism
keywords renal atrophy small kidneys  renal sinus lipomatosis Ashley Davidoff Ashley Davidoff MD

Bilateral Small Irregular  Kidneys

CT scan shows bilateral small irregular kidneys with significant renal sinus lipomatosis. 
Ashley Davidoff MD
Pathology specimen shows bilateral small irregular kidneys with renal sinus lipomatosis and extensive atherosclerotic disease of the aorta and renal arteries . 
Ashley Davidoff MD