The Ankle
The Common Vein Copyright 2008
Ashley Davidoff MD
tags  bone foot feet tarsals tarsal bones metatarsals phalanges cuneiform cuboid talus navicular calcaneus tibia fibula normal anatomy applied biology X-ray plain film Davidoff MD 46712c04.800
 foot bone #D normal anatomy ligaments talus navicular cuboid tarsals metatarsal phalanges 3D volume rendering surface rendering CTscan Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 49549c01


Ankle Bones
bone foot ankle tibia fibula tarsal bones metatarsals tibiotalar joint talonavicular joint cuneiforms chip fracture avulsion fracture Achilles tendon heel normal anatomy CTscan Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD surface rendering volume rendering 3D 72585
 foot soft tissue ankle heel tendons normal anatomy CTscan Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD surface rendering volume rendering 3D 72596