48 year old asymptomatic male who is a drug abuser, presents with the finding a a needle in the heart 3 months before a catastrophic event.. An axial CT scan through the bottom of the heart shows a displaced needle in the apex of the right ventricle.
Ashley Davidoff MD
Magnified View of the Needle
48 year old asymptomatic male who is a drug abuser, presents with the finding a a needle in the heart 3 months before a catastrophic event.. An axial CT scan through the bottom of the heart shows a displaced needle in the apex of the right ventricle.
Ashley Davidoff MD
The patients present in cardiorespiratory distress 3 months later. An echo shows findings consistent with cardiac tamponade. A CT scan confirms the presence of a moderate sized pericardium with slightly higher density. Hemopericardium is suspected.
Ashley Davidoff MD
The tip of the needle is noted in the posterior aspect of the pericardial sac
Courtesy Ashley Davidoff
The pericardial tamponade has now been decompressed and drained. The tip of the needle is noted in the posterior aspect of the pericardial sac
Ashley Davidoff MD
Magnified View
The pericardial tamponade has now been decompressed and drained. The tip of the needle is noted in the posterior aspect of the pericardial sac
Ashley Davidoff MD