- 001H Probable Sarcoidosis LAE MR
- 002H Chloroquine Related Cardiomyopathy
- 003H Non Compaction CHF and Pacemaker
- 004H Non Compaction and Ischemic Heart Disease
- 005H Normal MRI with Measurements – 19 yr old
- 006H Cardiac Amyloidosis
- 007H Alcoholic Congestive Cardiomyopathy
- 008H Severe MAC and Aortic Annular Calcification
- 009H MAC Dextrocardia and Bacterial Endocarditis
- 010H MAC with Caseous Necrosis
- 011H Calcific Pericarditis
- 012H Sarcoidosis Pericardium Myocardium and Lung
- 013H Mixed Collagen Disease Cardiomyopathy Subendocardial LGE
- 014H 87M with Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis
- 015H 60M with Congenital Pulmonary Stenosis
- 016H 57M Sarcoid, Heart, Liver Lymph Nodes, Neg Chest
- 017H 34M Sarcoid, Heart Block, Resolution ILD and Heart Block
- 018H 55 M Polysubstance Abuse Myocarditis, V Fib Arrest MRI
- 019H Apical Hypertrophic Disease CT CXR
- 020H 34M CRF Dilated Cardiomyopathy Diabetes Pancreatitis
- 021H Takotsubo Broken Heart
- 022H Asymmetric Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy
- 023H Takotsubo Sarcoidosis and a Police Visit
- 024H CHF Kerley b CXR CT
- 025H Sickle Cell Disease CHF Autosplenectomy Bone Disease
- 026H SLE Pulmonary Hypertension Libman Sacks
- 027H 80 M Tension PTX and Heart Position
- 028h 83fF Post MI Post Cath LV Contrast
- 029H Compressed RA Neg effect on RA Pressure
- 030H Interatrial Septal Lipoma Extending to SVC
- 031H Sarcoid Biventricular Infiltration A Fib
- 038Lu Amyloidosis Hilar Lymph Nodes Pericardium CAD
- 039H Dilated Cardiomyopathy Triangular Heart
- 040H Sickle Cell and CHF
- 041H Pericardial Fat Necrosis
- 042H CHF Kerley B and A Ground Glass
- 043H Interatrial Lipoma CT and MRI
- 044H Atrial Myxoma LAE and PAH
- 045H Calcified Atrial Myxoma LAE
- 046H LV Aneurysm
- 047H Acute MI Left Main Occlusion Batwing CXR
- 048H CXR Normal Bronchus to PA ratio
- 049H Early CHF CXR Equalization
- 049Hb CHF Cephalization in progress
- 050H CHF, CXR, and Interstitial Edema in progress
- 051H Sickle Cell CHF and Pulmonary Hypertension
- 052H 38M VSD
- 053H MVP MR calcified valve Carpentier ring
- 054H Scoliosis Difficult CXR Pulm HT and Septum Primum Bulge
- 049Lu TB Scrofula Lymphadenitis Bronchitis Pericarditis
- 055H LV Pseudoaneurysm with Hemopericardium
- 056H Cardiomyopathy ? Chloroquine
- 057H Bullet Wound VSD X 2 repaired
- 058H 64F LVH fat in septum pap neg coronary calcium
- 059H 44 Male Normal CT of the Heart
- 01A Polyarteritis Nodosa 34F coronaries carotids. SMA Celiac IMA renals
- 060H LV Apical Aneurysm with Clot Over 1 year
- 061H 71M RA thrombus saccular aneurysms
- 062H 78M PE RV pseudoaneurysm
- 063H MAC Infiltrating the Heart
- 064H 50M Single Ventricle LTGA
- 065H 55M LTGA
- 066H Coarctation Bicuspid Aortic Valve CHF
- 067H Calcium score >2000
- 068H LV infero-basal aneurysm
- 069H Thyroid storm and VF arrest
- 070H 80M LV Diverticulum vs Pseudoaneurysm
- 071H 86M-Mitral Disease LAA-thrombus-CHF
- 072H 49M CAD CHF ground glass
- 073H 32M AVR calcified AS LVH
- 074H 55F-AVM LAD incidental-finding
- 075H 45-AVR-TVR-ring-abscess-pseudoaneurysm
- 076 H64 F with Apical Hypertrophy
- 078H Apical Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- 079H Left Main Calcification CTA Negative Angio
- 080H CTA LAD Disease CAth Negative
- 081H CT Heavy Calcification Lung Cancer Screening Discrepant Cath
- 082H IVC Flow Stasis Masquerading as Shock Syndrome
- 083H Post Partum Cardiomyopathy Nutmeg Liver and Lung Abscess
- 084H coronary artery LAD and Cx separate origins
- 085H Conal artery to PA fistula (AVM)
- 086H Left Main High Grade Stenosis
- 087H RCA aneurysm in young female
- 088H Septic Shock Perforated Ulcer
- 089H Polyarteritis Nodosa and Coronary Artery Aneurysms
- 090H HOCM and Anomalous Origin of RCA fro LCA
- 091H Thrombus at the Right Coronary Artery Ostium (RCA)
- 092H CAD 3V Calcium Score 2996 Concordant with Cath
- 093H Significant LM calcification Concordant with Cath
- 094H CT 70% Angio LAD Total occlusion
- 095H Normal Calcium Score Normal Coronaries
- 096H Angina and Severe CHD
- 097H Chest pain LAD disease CTA Stress Cath positive
- 098H Anomalous RCA off PA
- 099H Sinus Venosus ASD PAPVR LSVC Pulmonary Hypertension
- 100H Anomalous Origin of the RCA off the L cusp
- 101H Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema CXR and CT
- 102H Anomalous origin of RCA proximal LAD
- 103H Type Aortic Dissection with RCA dissection
- 104H Anomalous Left Hepatic Venous Drainage into Left Atrium
- 105H Coarctation of the Aorta
- 106H Anomalous Origin of Left Pulmonary Artery from Aorta
- 107H 55M Severe CHF CRF CTscan Improved
- 108H Aortic Valve Endocarditis
- 109H Inferior Post MI VSD Repair CAD
- 110H Focal Aortic Tear
- 111H Spontaneous Dissection of the Coronary Arteries
- 112H Tetralogy of Fallot Post Op
- 113H ASD Sinus Venosus PAH Pericardial Effusion
- 114H Apical Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- 115H Mild CHF and Moderate CHF
- 116H Spontaneous Dissection of the Coronary Arteries
- 117H Congenital Rubella with mild PS and PDA
- 118H MVR Sternal wire Aorta MAZE LA Calcification
- 119H Anomalous Origin of the RCA Above the Left Sinus with Inter-arterial Course
- 119H Septal Hypoperfusion RCA PDA
- 120H Mitral Stenosis and Ortner?s Syndrome
- 121H Cocaine Induced Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- 121H Small Membranous VSD
- 122H Herniated Colon into Pericardium Pneumopericardium Liposarcoma
- 123H Compression of the Left Atrium Left Pulmonary artery and Right Pulmonary Veins by Metastatic Mediastinal Disease
- 66Lu Amyloid nodules alveolar septal and bronchiole and MAC
- Kartagener’s Syndrome Introduction
- 258Lu Post Partum Cardiomyopathy PE Necrotic Cavitating Infarct and Abscess
- 298Lu Small Cell Lung Carcinoma ?White Out? Pericardial Effusion
- 308Lu Metastatic Prostate with Acute RVF Reverse Bernheim Probable Embolic Micro-metastases
- Morning Conference
002MC Pneumopericardium
003MC Kartagener?s Syndrome
004MC Polysplenia Syndrome
006MC Mitral Stenosis
- 02 02 23
- 01A PAN 34F coronaries carotids. SMA Celiac IMA renals
- 107H 55M Severe CHF CRF CTscan Improved
- 108H Aortic Valve Endocarditis
- 103H Type Aortic Dissection with RCA dissection
Alphabetical Listing
- Amyloidosis
- Aneurysm
- Aorta
- Aortic Stenosis
- Aortic Valve Endocarditis
- Apical Hypertrophic Disease
- Atrial Myxoma
- Atrial Septum
- Calcifications in the Heart
- Cardiomyopathy
- Dilated
- Hypertrophic
- Apical Hypertrophic Disease
- Asymmetric
- 022H ASH Cardiomyopathy
- Age Related
- 022H ASH Cardiomyopathy
- Concentric
- Biventricular(infiltration)
- Other
- Cases of CHF
- 003H Non Compaction CHF and Pacemaker Kerley
- 024H CHF Kerley b CXR CT
- 025H Sickle Cell CHF Spleen Bone
040 Sickle Cell and CHF
042 CHF Kerley B and A - 047H Acute MI Left Main Occlusion Batwing CXR
- 049H Early CHF CXR Equalization
- 056H Cardiomyopathy ? Chloroquine Early moderate CHF
066H Coarctation Bicuspid Aortic Valve CHF
069H Thyroid storm and VF arrest - 101H Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema CXR and CT
- 107H 55M Severe CHF CRF CTscan Improved
- 115H Mild CHF and Moderate CHF
- Non Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema
- Chloroquine Related Cardiomyopathy
- Coarctation BAV
- Cocaine Induced Cardiomyopathy
- Collagen Vascular Disease
- Congenital Anomalies
- 104H Anomalous Left Hepatic Venous Drainage into Left Atrium
- 064H 50M Single Ventricle LTGA
- 065H 55M LTGA
- 085H Conal artery to PA fistula (AVM)
- 106H Anomalous Origin of Left Pulmonary Artery from Aorta
- 112H Tetralogy of Fallot Post Op
- 113H ASD Sinus Venosus PAH Pericardial Effusion
- 119H Anomalous Origin of the RCA Above the Left Sinus with Inter-arterial Course
- 121H Small Membranous VSD
- Coronary Arteries Map
- 002H Chloroquine Related Cardiomyopathy
- 067H Calcium score >2000
- 084H coronary artery LAD and Cx separate origins
- 085H Conal artery to PA fistula (AVM)
- 086H Left Main High Grade Stenosis
- 087H RCA aneurysm in young female
- 089H Polyareteritis Nodosa and Coronary Artery Aneurysms
- 090H HOCM and Anomalous Origin of RCA fro LCA
- 091H Thrombus at the Right Coronary Artery Ostium (RCA)
- 92H CAD 3V Calcium Score 2996 CTA Evaluable Concordant with Cath
- 93H Significant LM calcification Concordant with Cath
- 94H CT 70% Angio LAD Total occlusion
- 95H Normal Calcium Score – equivocal plaque
- 96H Angina Calcium score >500 and 3 vessel CAD
- 097H Chest pain LAD disease CTA Stress Cath positive
- 098H Anomalous RCA off PA
- 100H Anomalous Origin of the RCA off the L cusp
- 101H Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema CXR and CT
- 102H Anomalous origin of RCA proximal LAD
- 111H Spontaneous Dissection of the Coronary Arteries
- 116H Spontaneous Dissection of the Coronary Arteries
- 119H Anomalous Origin of the RCA Above the Left Sinus with Inter-arterial Course
- 119H Septal Hypoperfusion RCA PDA
- Coronary Calcium Score
- CorPulmonale
- CT
- Dextrocardia
- Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- Endocarditis
- Fat
- Ischemic Disease
- Left Atrium
- Left Ventricle
- Libman Sacks
- Lipoma
- Mitral Regurgitation
- Mitral Stenosis
- Myocarditis
- Non Compaction
- Normal
- ppp
- Pericarditis
- Pericardial Effusion
- Pericardium
- Polyarteritis Nodosa
- Polysplenia Syndrome
- Post Op Changes
- 045H Calcified Atrial Myxoma LAE Surgicel
- Pseudoaneurysm
- Pulmonary Edema (see also CHF ) Cardiogenic
- Pulmonary Artery
- Pulmonary Embolus
- Acute
- 062H 78M PE RV pseudoaneurysm with RV strain
- Subacute
- Acute
- Pulmonary Hypertension
- 024Lu Sarcoidosis, PTX, Encasement, PE, PAH
- 21LU Emphysema, Cor Pulmonale and Pulmonary H/T
- 039H Dilated Cardiomyopathy Triangular Heart
- 044H Atrial Myxoma LAE and PAH
- 054H Scoliosis Difficult CXR Pulm HT and Septum Primum Bulge
- 113H ASD Sinus Venosus PAH Pericardial Effusion
- 308Lu Metastatic Prostate with Acute RVF Reverse Bernheim Probable Embolic Micro-metastases
- Pulmonary Valve Stenosis
- Pulmonary Vein Stenosis
- Right Atrium
- Right Ventricle
- Sarcoidosis
- Septum Ventricular
- 062H 78M PE RV pseudoaneurysm with straightening of the septum
- 119H Septal Hypoperfusion RCA PDA
- Shock
- Sickle Cell Disease
- Takotsubo
- TB
- Tension Pneumothorax
- Thrombus
- Thyroid Storm
- Trauma
- Tumors of the Heart
Based on Structure
The Whole Structure – Global
Left Atrium
Mitral Valve
Left Ventricle
Aortic Valve
Right Atrium
Tricuspid Valve
Right ventricle
Pulmonary Valve
Branch PA
Pulmonary Veins