Jaccoud’s Osteoarthropathy SLE and the Heart TCV Pancarditis  pericardium, pericarditis 25% most common myocardium, myocarditis is rare  caused by vasculitis myocardial infarction 9X increase endocardium – Libman-Sacks 10%  mitral and tricuspid valve Cardiac complications in  about 50% and major cause of death Soft Tissue Calcification Ulnar Deviation Acroosteolysis Scleroderma and the Heart Pancarditis pulmonary hypertension … Continue reading Heart and Hands

Academics physicists mathematicians  Animals Anatomy and Structure Athletics Art Also Painting and Sculptures  Body Symbols and Signs Cultures of the World – Map  People of the World Aztec Culture Buddhist Culture Celtic Culture Chinese Culture Christian Culture Egyptian Culture Hindu Culture Islamic Culture Japanese Culture Judaic Culture Culture Mayan Sikh Culture Zulu Culture Disease Alcoholism Autism … Continue reading Art Culture and Medicine

LECTURE HEART CXR CT MRI CARDIOMYOPATHY Notes Scales and Music The Cardiac Evaluation on the CXR – PA First step – Is the heart enlarged? Cardiothoracic ratio as a global method Cardiothoracic Ratio CARDIOMEGALY – THE CARDIOTHORACIC RATIO The maximum transverse length of the heart is expressed as a percentage of the maximum length of … Continue reading Lecture CXR CT MRI and Chloroquine Cardiomyopathy

65 year old female with longstanding history of SLE, Lupus Sjogren’s and Raynaud’s  See TCV Jaccoud’s Arthropathy   ? Signs of Constriction Size of the Right Atrium Size of the Coronary Sinus ? Size of the Azygos Vein and IVC Links and References Joyce, E et al  Hydroxychloroquine cardiotoxicity presenting as a rapidly evolving biventricular cardiomyopathy: … Continue reading 002 Case Study Chloroquin Related Cardiomyopathy

Buzzwords Pancarditis Mitral involvement is common – Nodules pericarditis most common reported Myocardial – increase ischemic and non ischemic Pericarditis less than 10 percent most frequently in patients with active rheumatoid disease and other extraarticular manifestations. Myocarditis — Myocarditis  usually associated with active articular disease granulomatous fibrotic  (more common in RA 46% )  involvement of … Continue reading Rheumatoid Arthritis and Heart Disease

Buzz Pancarditis  pericardium, pericarditis 25% most common myocardium, myocarditis is rare  caused by vasculitis myocardial infarction 9X increase endocardium – Libman-Sacks 10%  mitral and tricuspid valve Cardiac complications in  about 50% and major cause of death Pericarditis Myocarditis occurs in nearly 10% of SLE patients and serves as a prominent contributor of the heart failure … Continue reading Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Heart Disease, SLE

ANCA vasculitis (Anti-Neutrophilic Cytoplasmic Autoantibody) is a type of autoimmune disease that causes vasculitis. Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV)  is a group of diseases (granulomatosis with polyangiitis, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis and microscopic polyangiitis), characterized by destruction and inflammation of small vess. CT scan of a 67 year old female with anca  vasculitis shows regions of dystrophic calcification in the lateral aspect … Continue reading Anca Vasculitis

Literature and the Heart Author  Assistant Shakespeare 1564-1616   Shakespeare used the word heart extensively.  There is an outstanding reference on the web called   Rhyme Zone: Shakespeare  that allows one to identify specific phrases in Shakespeare’s works and creates a link to the text.  When the word “heart ” was searched 206 results were found, about 60 … Continue reading Literature

The Common Vein Copyright 2020 Buzz on Scleroderma and the Heart Pancarditis pulmonary hypertension secondary to lung and renal disease right sided disease – increase RV and RA pericardial disease myocardial disease, – myocardial fibrosis conduction system abnormalities, arrhythmias, Endocardium and valvular disease – infrequent Scleroderma – Involvement of Lungs Pleura Pericardium Heart and Esophagus 30464c02 … Continue reading Scleroderma

THE COMMON VEIN Ashley Davidoff MD   Copyright 2018 TCV Home What is The Common Vein? Why Common and Why Vein? The Mission Understanding 1 + 1 = 1 Principles Art & Culture The Body Principles Image Library About the Author It’s About Life Understanding Life Around US Flowers and Plants Unicellular Bacteria Animals People and … Continue reading 01 The Common Vein