Coronary Artery Aneurysm

The Common Vein

Copyright 2009


41 year old male presents with chest pain
CXR shows a rounded calcification, approximately 2cms in size in the region of the atrial bay.
Ashley Davidoff MD


Aneurysmal Coronary Artery Disease

07614 heart cardiac aneurysms aneurysmal atherosclerosis stenosis occluded LAD with reconstitution via collaterals coronary artery angiogram angiography Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD
41 year old male presents with chest pain
CXR shows a rounded calcification, approximately 2cms in size in the region of the atrial bay.
Ashley Davidoff MD

Aneurysmal Coronary Artery Disease

This angiogram of the right coronary artery shows ectatic and stenotic atherosclerotic disease. Courtsey Ashley Davidoff MD 15384 code heart cardiac coronary artery RCA atherosclerosis atheroma ectasia ectatic A-V nodal coronary AV aneurysm imaging radiology angiography

2cms LAD Aneurysm

This 41 year old male has a 2cms calcified aneurysm of the LAD that is mostly thrombosed. An associated anomaly of non compaction of the LV myocardium is present, but not well demonstrated in these images.

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff Copyright 200986945c01.8s


Atherosclerotic Aneurysm of LCA

This angiogram in LAO projection shows stenotic disease and aneurysmal disease of the left coronary artery (LCA)

35354 Courtesy of Laura Feldman MD. code artery atherosclerosis coronary coronary artery heart LCA RCA stenosis atherosclerosis atheroma stenosis circulatory CAD coronary artery disease

Atherosclerotic Aneurysm of LCA

44222 heart cardiac artery coronary artery LAD left anterior descending artery fx dilated fx aneurysm dx aneurysmal dilatation imaging radiology CTscan Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Jeffrey Mendel MD

Atherosclerotic Aneurysm ot the origin of the LAD

44237 heart cardiac artery coronary artery LAD left anterior descending artery fx dilated fx aneurysm dx aneurysmal dilatation imaging radiology CTscan Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Jeffrey Mendel MD

Atherosclerotic Aneurysm ot the origin of the LAD

44250 heart cardiac artery coronary artery LAD left anterior descending artery fx dilated fx aneurysm circumflex fx stent imaging radiology CTscan Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Jeffrey Mendel MD

Atherosclerotic Aneurysm ot the origin of the LAD

44254 heart cardiac artery coronary artery LAD left anterior descending artery fx dilated fx aneurysm imaging radiology CTscan Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Jeffrey Mendel MD

Atherosclerotic Aneurysm ot the origin of the LAD

44260 heart cardiac artery coronary artery LAD left anterior descending artery fx dilated fx aneurysm circumflex fx stent ramus medianus first diagonal imaging radiology CTscan Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Jeffrey Mendel MD

Kawasaki’s Arteritis

07587 heart cardiac aneursym coronary artery Kawasaki’s areteritis grosspathology Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD

Kawasaki’s Areteritis

07584 heart cardiac aneursym coronary artery Kawasaki’s areteritis grosspathology
A 65 year old male presents for a CT after a MVA. Incidental finding is an RCA aneurysm
A 65 year old male presents for a CT after a MVA. Incidental finding is an RCA aneurysm
A 65 year old male presents for a CT after a MVA. Incidental finding is an RCA aneurysm .
Sagittal view shows aneurysm with significant atherosclerotic change in the distal RCA and PDA