Coronary Artery Fistula

The Common Vein

Copyright 2009


 AVM from the Septals

This coronary angiogram of the LCA shows a large LAD and first septal perforator feeding an arteriovenous malformation (AVM) that can be visualised in the LV apex. Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD. 07025 code heart artery coronary LAD AVM septal artery large congenital imaging radiology angiography

Congenital AVM

This coronary angiogram of the LCA shows a large LAD and first septal perforator feeding an arteriovenous malformation (AVM) that can be visualised in the LV apex. Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD. 07026 code heart artery coronary LAD AVM septal artery large congenital imaging radiology angiography

Anomalous Origin of the Left Coronary Artery off the Pulmonary Artery

The images show an early flush injection of the aortic root which fills a large tortuous right coronary artery, and no left coronary arteryis seen .  The second image is later in the injestion and large septal perforators collateralise an LAD and subsequently the pulmonary trunk.  The overlay image reveals the arteriovenous fistulaization of the LAD from the RCA.

15037 15038b 15038c01W cardiac heart coronary artery RCA enlarged absent LAD aberrant anomalous origin of the LAD from MPA angiogram angiography Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD

Anomalous Origin of the LAD from the Pulmonary Artery

15016b cardiac heart coronary artery cardiac heart coronary artery LAD aberrant origin from the MPA pulmonary artery Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD

Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Septum

In pulmonary atresia with an intact septum, the right ventricle is unable to eject blood into the pulmonary circulation.  Suprasystemic pressures result in the RV forcing the blood into the primitive venous system draining the right ventricle and the blood then flows retrograde into the coronary arteries which are at a lower pressure.

15035 cardiac heart coronary artery hypoplastic RV right venntricle pulmonary atresia tricuspid stenosis retrograde filling of coronary arteries angiogram angiography Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD

Retrograde Flow Through Venous Sinuses in Severe Pulmonary Stenosis

The suprasystemic Pressure generated by severe pulmonary stenosis results in retrograde flow through venous coronary sinuses that occur naturally in the RV

15036 cardiac heart coronary artery hypoplastic RV right venntricle pulmonary stenosis pulmonary valve retrograde filling of coronary arteries angiogram angiography Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD