CXR Emphysema and Small Heart

CXR Emphysema and Small Heart
58-year-old male presents with dyspnea. The lungs are hyperinflated with flattening of the diaphragms and increase in the retrosternal space on the lateral examination. The person also has an asthenic build with a relatively straight back and narrow A-P dimension. Frontal CXR shows a small heart with structures of the heart visualized to the right of the midline caused by compression of the low-pressure right atrium. The increased in the retrosternal airspace also compresses the relatively low pressure anteriorly positioned right ventricle. The heart is also lifted off the diaphragm (band c white arrowheads) and results in juxtaphrenic lung markings and peaks below the heart (d, arrowheads)
Ashley Davidoff MD 136232c01L

CT Emphysema and Small Heart

Small Heart on CXR Patient with hyperinflation resulting in compression of the right atrium
Ashley Davidoff MD  63M 001
Small Heart on CXR Patient with hyperinflation resulting in compression of the right atrium
Ashley Davidoff MD 63M 002
Small Heart on CXR Patient with hyperinflation resulting in compression of the right atrium
Ashley Davidoff MD 63M 003