41 year old male presents with chest pain.
Axial CT with contrast at the level of the enlarged left atrium (LA) (a) reveals a dilated LV, with subendocardial fatty infiltration of the LV myocardium in the septum (white arrowhead), and apex red arrowhead). There is thinning of the myocardium in the septum and apex.
Image B is more inferior and taken at the level of the dilated RA and normal sized RV showing similar subendocardial fatty infiltration of the LV myocardium in the septum (white arrowhead), and apex red arrowhead). There is thinning of the myocardium in the septum and apex. The transverse dimension of the LV was 7.2 cms which is significantly dilated
These findings are consistent with myocardial infarction with and ischemic cardiomyopathy.
Ashley Davidoff MD