The Common Vein

Copyright 2009


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01492b04L heart cardiac right atrium left atrium right venricle left ventricle atrioventricular canal conus arteriosus truncus arteriosus aortic arches RA LA RV LV AVC embryology Davidoff drawing Davidoff MD




01492b06b heart cardiac left atrium right atrium coronary arteries coronary ostia A-V canal atrioventricular canal conus arteriosus trunccus arteriosus D loop left ventricle right ventricle embryology Rv LV MV TV LA RA aorta pulmonary artery normal drawing Davidoff art Davidoff MD 01492b11 01492b06b 01492b05b01 01492b1201492b14



01492b12 heart cardiac left atrium right atrium mitral valve tricuspid valve coronary arteries coronary ostia A-V canal atrioventricular canal conus arteriosus trunccus arteriosus D loop left ventricle right ventricle embryology Rv LV MV TV LA RA aorta pulmonary artery normal drawing Davidoff art Davidoff MD 01492b11 01492b06b 01492b05b01 01492b1201492b14




01492b14 heart cardiac left atrium right atrium mitral valve tricuspid valve coronary arteries coronary ostia A-V canal atrioventricular canal conus arteriosus trunccus arteriosus D loop left ventricle right ventricle embryology Rv LV MV TV LA RA aorta pulmonary artery normal drawing Davidoff art Davidoff MD 01492b11 01492b06b 01492b05b01 01492b1201492b14



01674b02 heart cardiac valves endocardial cushions septum mitral valve tricuspid valve TV MV interatrial septum interventricular septum A-V canal atrioventricular canal embryology septation drawing Davidoff art Davidoff MD


01653c14 heart cardiac atrial septum sinus venosus primitive ventricle sulcus terminalis tenia siginata crista terminalis sulcus terminalis endocardial cushion atrioventricular canal pectinate muscles SVC superior vena cava septum primum septum secundum superior limbic band inferior limbic band fossa ovalis foramen ovale ivc inferior vena cava Eustachian valve ligament of Todaro coronary sinus thebesian valves tricuspid annulus tricuspid valve normal anatomy gross anatomy Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD copyright 2008 all rights reserved


01863b01 heart cardiac LV left ventricle IVS interventricular septum mitral valve endocardial cushions complete AVC canal defect cleft mtral valve VSD endocardial cushion defect congenital heart disease grosspathology Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD


07488b01.s The anatomical specimen is from a patient with a complete A-V canal defect and the maloriented and cleft mitral valve is attached to the septum. The probe is in the LVOT. During diastole as the leaflet bulges forward it causes elengation and narrowing of the LVOT which has no clinical significance since this occurs during diastole. The angiographic sign “swan neck deformity ” has been given to this phenomenon. herat cardiac endocardial cushion defect mitral valve cleft gross pathology Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD copyright 2008 all rights reserved


This color flow doppler echo of the heart showing a 4 chamber view, and demonstrating color flow in all the chambers at the crux of the heart at the membranous septum. This is highly suggestive of a VSD with a defect of endocardial cushions Courtesy Philips Medical Systems 33174 code cardiac heart echo LV RV RA LA VSD endocardial cushion defect congenital crux imaging cardiac echo