Common Conotruncal Abnormalities
The image reflects the relationship of the aorta and pulmonary arteries in the normal patient, in DTGA, LTGA and DORV. In the normal patient with D loop the aorta (Ao) is posterior and to the right, and the pulmonary artery (PA) is anterior and to the right. In the patient with DTGA, the Ao is anterior and to the right and the PA is posterior and to the left. In an L loop the Ao is anterior and to the left and the PA is posterior and to the right. In double outlet right ventricle (DORV) the great vessels lie side by side and in DORV with a D loop the aorta is to the right and with an L loop the aorta is to the left
86778 01639 01639d02 01639d04 01639f03.jpg Anterior aorta = Transposition
Ashley Davidoff MD

