Anomalous Origin of the Circumflex from the RCA

Anomalous Origin of The Circumflex Coronary Artery from the Right Coronary Artery Cusp
Axial CT of the coronary arteries shows anomalous origin of the Circumflex from the Right coronary cusp. This is the most common anomaly of the coronary arteries
Courtesy Radiopedia
Anomalous Origin of The Circumflex Coronary Artery from the Right Coronary Artery Cusp CT
Right Coronary Angiogram shows anomalous origin of the Circumflex from the Right coronary cusp. This is the most common anomaly of the coronary arteries
Ashley Davidoff MD
Anomalous Origin of The Circumflex Coronary Artery from the Right Coronary Artery Cusp CT
Right Coronary Angiogram shows anomalous origin of the Circumflex from the Right coronary cusp. This is the most common anomaly of the coronary arteries
Ashley Davidoff MD

Anomalous origin of the left Coronary artery from the Main Pulmonary Artery

Pathologic Specimen showing Anomalous Origin of the Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery
Ashley Davidoff MD


Anomalies of the LCA  and RCA Inter- arterial Course

Sudden cardiac death in anomalous origin of coronary artery is associated with the anatomical features including abnormal coursing, acute angle take-off and ostial abnormalities.

Ana Flávia Pina Ferreira1
Anomalous origin of coronary arteries with an interarterial course: pictorial essay
Radiol Bras vol.52 no.3 São Paulo May/June 2019 Epub June 13, 2019

The LCA off the Right Cusp


Anomalies of the RCA

Anomalous Origin of The Right Coronary Artery from the Left Coronary Artery Cusp
60 year old male with a history of MI with LAD stent. Coronary angiogram suggested anomalous origin of the right coronary artery
CTA of the coronaries shows anomalous origin of the RCA from the left coronary cusp with inter-arterial course. There is narrowing of the proximal RCA as it courses between the PA and aorta
Ashley Davidoff MD
Anomalous Origin of The Right Coronary Artery from the Left Coronary Artery Cusp
60 year old male with a history of MI with LAD stent. Coronary angiogram suggested anomalous origin of the right coronary artery
CTA of the coronaries shows anomalous origin of the RCA from the left coronary cusp with inter-arterial course. There is narrowing of the proximal RCA as it courses between the PA and aorta
Ashley Davidoff MD
Anomalous Origin of The Right Coronary Artery from the Left Coronary Artery Cusp
60 year old male with a history of MI with LAD stent. Coronary angiogram suggested anomalous origin of the right coronary artery
CTA of the coronaries shows anomalous origin of the RCA from the left coronary cusp with inter-arterial course. There is narrowing of the proximal RCA as it courses between the PA and aorta
Ashley Davidoff MD
Anomalous Origin of the RCA from LCA.
Axial acquired CTA shows right coronary originating from proximal LCA and coursing between the aorta anteriorly and the RVOT posteriorly
Anomalous Origin of the RCA from LCA.
Reconstructed CTA shows right coronary originating from proximal LCA and coursing between the aorta anteriorly and the RVOT posteriorly
Courtesy Vanderbilt Medical Center and Philips Medical Systems
Anomalous Origin of the RCA from LCA.
Reconstructed CTA shows right coronary originating from proximal LCA and coursing between the aorta anteriorly and the RVOT posteriorly
Courtesy Vanderbilt Medical Center and Philips Medical Systems


Anomalous RCA off the Left Cusp with Possible Intramural Course (100H )

Anomalous RCA off LCA
Ashley Davidoff MD
Anomalous RCA off LCA
Ashley Davidoff MD
Anomalous RCA off LCA Stenotic Slit like Origin of the RCA
Ashley Davidoff MD

Anomalous RCA off LCA Stenotic Slit like Origin of the RCA
Ashley Davidoff MD
Anomalous RCA off LCA Stenotic Slit like Origin of the RCA
Ashley Davidoff MD
Anomalous RCA off LCA Stenotic Slit like Origin of the RCA
Ashley Davidoff MD

LCA off the Non Coronary Cusp

Anomalous origin of the LCA off the non coronary cusp
The CTA demonstrates the left coronary artery arising from the non coronary cusp. The RCA arises normally

High Origin of the RCA origin with Interarterial Course

High Origin of the RCA origin with Interarterial Course
Ashley Davidoff MD