50 year old female with congestive cardiomyopathy.  CXR 1 year prior shows mild CHF  with left atrial enlargement and cephalization

50 year old female with congestive cardiomyopathy.  CXR 1 year prior shows mild CHF  with left atrial enlargement and cephalization Ashley Davidoff  MD TheCommonVein.net CHF Mild 50F 001
50 year old female with congestive cardiomyopathy.  CXR 1 year prior shows mild CHF  with left atrial enlargement and cephalization Ashley Davidoff  MD TheCommonVein.net CHF Mild 50F 002

1 year later she presents with increasing dyspnea.  CXR shows  moderate  CHF  with left atrial enlargement  cephalization and findings of interstitial edema


1 year later she presents with increasing dyspnea.  CXR shows  moderate  CHF  with left atrial enlargement  cephalization and findings of interstitial edema Ashley Davidoff  MD TheCommonVein.net CHF Moderate 50F 001
1 year later she presents with increasing dyspnea.  CXR shows  moderate  CHF  with left atrial enlargement  cephalization and findings of interstitial edema Ashley Davidoff  MD TheCommonVein.net CHF Moderate 50F 002