The Common Vein Copyright 2008


A structural finding where one o

Esophageal Web

01184c03 esophagus web Pattison Kelly Plummer Vinson squamous mucosa proliferation mechanical obstruction dysphagia barium swallow imaging radiology Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD

Long Mid Esophagus Malignant Stricture

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 01246 code esophagus + fx irregular + fx long fx narrowed + dx squamous cell carcinoma + barium swallow upper GI UGI imaging radiology contrast X-Ray mass neoplasm malignant primary carcinoma cancer tumor

Mid Esophageal Stricture from Radiation

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 01251 code esophagus + fx stricture + dx radiation stricture + barium swallow upper GI UGI imaging radiology contrast X-Ray


Long Mid Esophagus Malignant Stricture

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 01246 code esophagus + fx irregular + fx long fx narrowed + dx squamous cell carcinoma + barium swallow upper GI UGI imaging radiology contrast X-Ray mass neoplasm malignant primary carcinoma cancer tumor

Mid Esophageal Stricture from Radiation

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 01251 code esophagus + fx stricture + dx radiation stricture + barium swallow upper GI UGI imaging radiology contrast X-Ray



Lye Ingestion with Deep Focal Ulcers Grade 2b

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 01250 code esophagus + fx irregular + fx long distal fx narrowed + fx ulceration + dx lye stricture upper GI UGI imaging radiology contrast X-Ray

Benign Appearing Distal Stricture

73949c02 esophagus strictrure GE junction gastroesophageal junction a = distal stricture with hyperperistalsis and spastic contractions with distal stricture b = 13mm barium pill held up at smooth long distal stricture and persistant tertiary contractions probable benign stricture barium swallow UGI Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 73949c01

Chronic peptic Esophagitis – Stricture with Hiatus Hernia

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 01262 code esophagus + + fx hiatus hernia + fx stricture + fx irregular mucosa + dx peptic esophagitis + dx peptic stricture + barium swallow upper GI UGI imaging radiology contrast X-Ray

Long Relatively Smooth Malignant Stricture
Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 01240 esophagus + fx irregular stricture + dx carcinoma + barium swallow upper GI UGI imaging radiology contrast X-Ray mass neoplasm malignant primary carcinoma cancer tumor

Air Fluid Level  and Rat Tail Appearance of the LES in Achalasia
Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 01245d code esophagus + fx dilated + fx air fluid level + CXR chest X-ray plain film + fx beak sign dx achalasia of the esophagus barium swallow upper GI UGI imaging radiology contrast X-Ray
Air Fluid Level  and Rat Tail Appearance of the LES in Achalasia
Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 01245c code esophagus + fx dilated + fx air fluid level + CXR chest X-ray plain film + fx beak sign dx achalasia of the esophagus barium swallow upper GI UGI imaging radiology contrast X-Ray

Schatzki;’ Ring at the Gastroesophagal Junction associated with a Sliding Hiatal Hernia
Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 01269c02

code esophagus + fx hiatus hernia + fx Schatzki’s ring + barium swallow upper GI UGI imaging radiology contrast X-Ray