Literature and the Heart



Shakespeare 1564-1616


Shakespeare used the word heart extensively.  There is an outstanding reference on the web called   Rhyme Zone: Shakespeare  that allows one to identify specific phrases in Shakespeare’s works and creates a link to the text.  When the word “heart ” was searched 206 results were found, about 60 of which seemed to have inference to the word gall in this context under discussion. (Rhyme Zone  search “heart”)


I love you with so much of my heart that none is   Much Ado About Nothing: IV, i
Now cracks a noble heart. good night sweet prince:   Hamlet: V, ii
Your heart is burst, you have lost half your soul;   Othello: I, i
Yet, poor old heart, he holp the heavens to rain.   King Lear: III, vii
To conceive, nor his heart to report, what my dream   A Midsummer Night’s Dream: IV, i
Thy beauty’s form in table of my heart;   Sonnets: XXIV
Your old kind father, whose frank heart gave all,–   King Lear: III, iv
Your hearts will throb and weep to hear him speak.   Titus Andronicus: V, iii
Your heart‘s desires be with you!   As You Like It: I, ii
You, ladies, you, whose gentle hearts do fear   A Midsummer Night’s Dream: V, i
Why, love, I say! madam! sweet-heart! why, bride!   Romeo and Juliet: IV, v
There’s tricks i’ the world; and hems, and beats her heart;   Hamlet: IV, v
Sir, with all my heart. this worthy signior, i   Cymbeline: I, iv
O, musicians, because my heart itself plays ‘my   Romeo and Juliet: IV, v
My heart into my mouth: I love your majesty   King Lear: I, i
Let sorrow split my heart, if ever i   King Lear: V, iii
Her vine, the merry cheerer of the heart,   King Henry V: V, ii
Her tongue will not obey her heart, nor can   Antony and Cleopatra: III, ii
Even where his lustful eye or savage heart,   King Richard III: III, v
Your hearts and minds to mutiny and rage,   Julius Caesar: III, ii
Your heart to see it. her husband goes this morning   Merry Wives of Windsor: III, v
Your heart has mind to.   Antony and Cleopatra: III, iv
Yield up, o love, thy crown and hearted throne   Othello: III, iii
Words, words, mere words, no matter from the heart:   Toilus and Cressida: V, iii
When thy poor heart beats with outrageous beating,   Titus Andronicus: III, ii
When I am sure you hate me with your hearts.   A Midsummer Night’s Dream: III, ii
What a damned epicurean rascal is this! my heart is   Merry Wives of Windsor: II, ii
We doubt it nothing: heartily farewell.   Hamlet: I, ii
To win his heart, she touch’d him here and there,–   Various poetry: IV
To thy heart, and farewell.’   Macbeth: I, v
To his dog-hearted daughters, these things sting   King Lear: IV, iii
Thy bosom is endeared with all hearts,   Sonnets: XXXI
That now men grow hard-hearted and will lend nothing   Much Ado About Nothing: V, i
One whose hard heart is button’d up with steel;   The Comedy of Errors: IV, ii
O, how it yearn’d my heart when I beheld   King Richard II: V, v
Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.   Romeo and Juliet: II, iii
Nor are those empty-hearted whose low sound   King Lear: I, i
My heart was to thy rudder tied by the strings,   Antony and Cleopatra: III, xi
My heart mine eye the freedom of that right.   Sonnets: XLVI
My heart is thirsty for that noble pledge.   Julius Caesar: IV, iii
My heart can lend no succor to my head.   Pericles, Prince of Tyre: I, i
Musicians, o, musicians, ‘heart‘s ease, heart’s   Romeo and Juliet: IV, v
May trumpet to the world: my heart‘s subdued   Othello: I, iii
If so your heart were touch’d with that remorse   Measure for Measure: II, ii
He that takes that doth take my heart withal.   Toilus and Cressida: V, ii
Even pushes ‘gainst our heart: the party tried   The Winter’s Tale: III, ii
Conserved of maidens’ hearts.   Othello: III, iv
And with submissive loyalty of heart   King Henry VI, part I: III, iv
And my heart‘s right thy inward love of heart.   Sonnets: XLVI
And make our faces vizards to our hearts,   Macbeth: III, ii
And art almost an alien to the hearts   King Henry IV, part I: III, ii
A goodly apple rotten at the heart:   Merchant of Venice: I, iii
Your hearts of sorrow and your eyes of tears:   King Richard II: IV, i
Your heart: but, good kate, mock me mercifully; the   King Henry V: V, ii
Your heart is full of something that does take   The Winter’s Tale: IV, iv
Your gentle hands lend us, and take our hearts.   All’s Well that Ends Well: V, iii
Your french heart, I will be glad to hear you   King Henry V: V, ii
Your brother’s death, I know, sits at your heart;   Measure for Measure: V, i
You sway the motion of demetrius’ heart.   A Midsummer Night’s Dream: I, i
You speak it out of fear and cold heart.   King Henry IV, part I: IV, iii
You sacrifice your tears, your sighs, your heart:   The Two Gentlemen of Verona: III, ii
You our voices heartily.   Coriolanus: II, iii
Wives be as free as heart can wish or tongue can tell.   King Henry VI, part II: IV, vii
With the most boldest and best hearts of rome.   Julius Caesar: III, i
With the hell-hated lie o’erwhelm thy heart;   King Lear: V, iii
With tears as sovereign as the blood of hearts,   Antony and Cleopatra: V, i
With nightly tears and daily heart-sore sighs;   The Two Gentlemen of Verona: II, iv
With hard bright steel and hearts harder than steel.   King Richard II: III, ii
With golden promises; that, were his heart   Titus Andronicus: IV, iv
With cunning hast thou filch’d my daughter’s heart,   A Midsummer Night’s Dream: I, i
With an my heart.   Cymbeline: II, iv
With all the nearest things to my heart, as well   The Winter’s Tale: I, ii
With all my heart.   Othello: I, iii
With all my heart, good youth.   As You Like It: III, ii
With all my heart I thank thee for my father!   King John: I, i
With a true heart   King Henry VIII: V, iii
With a proud heart he wore his humble weeds.   Coriolanus: II, iii
With a light heart; trust not my holy order,   Measure for Measure: IV, iii
Why, that’s well said; a good heart‘s worth gold.   King Henry IV, part II: II, iv
Why should my heart think that a several plot   Sonnets: CXXXVII
Which makes her both the heart and place   Pericles, Prince of Tyre: III, iv
When your own percy, when my heart‘s dear harry,   King Henry IV, part II: II, iii
What, what, ye sanguine, shallow-hearted boys!   Titus Andronicus: IV, ii
What of his heart perceive you in his face   King Richard III: III, iv
What heart receives from hence the conquering part,   Toilus and Cressida: I, iii
What he his heart should make   King Lear: III, ii
What a sigh is there! the heart is sorely charged.   Macbeth: V, i
We are married, that we may lighten our own hearts   Much Ado About Nothing: V, iv
To your free heart, I do return those talents,   Timon of Athens: I, ii
To take on me to keep and kill thy heart.   King Richard II: V, i
To take her in her heart‘s extremest hate,   King Richard III: I, ii
To spite a raven’s heart within a dove.   Twelfth Night: V, i
To show him what a beggar his heart is,   Timon of Athens: I, ii
To scotland: and concludes in hearty prayers   King Henry IV, part II: IV, i
To my proceedings, if, with pure heart‘s love,   King Richard III: IV, iv
To my heart‘s hope! gold; silver; and base lead.   Merchant of Venice: II, ix
To make you brothers, and to knit your hearts   Antony and Cleopatra: II, ii
To join your hearts in love and amity.   King Henry VI, part I: III, i
To give our hearts united ceremony.   Merry Wives of Windsor: IV, vi
To give my hand opposed against my heart   The Taming of the Shrew: III, ii
To burn this night with torches: know, my hearts,   Antony and Cleopatra: IV, ii
To bear such idleness so near the heart   Antony and Cleopatra: I, iii
To answer by the method, in the first of his heart.   Twelfth Night: I, v
Thy heart-blood I will have for this day’s work.   King Henry VI, part I: I, iii
These words are razors to my wounded heart.   Titus Andronicus: I, i
Therefore, all hearts in love use their own tongues;   Much Ado About Nothing: II, i
The which no balm can cure but his heart-blood   King Richard II: I, i
The very heart of kindness.   Timon of Athens: I, i
The very firstlings of my heart shall be   Macbeth: IV, i
The very all of all is,–but, sweet heart, I do   Love’s Labour’s Lost: V, i
The tackle of my heart is crack’d and burn’d,   King John: V, vii
The secrets of my heart.   Julius Caesar: II, i
The mouths, the tongues, the eyes and hearts of men   Timon of Athens: IV, iii
The king himself; who, douglas, grieves at heart   King Henry IV, part I: V, iv
The heart of brothers govern in our loves   Antony and Cleopatra: II, ii
The gods give you joy, sir, heartily!   Coriolanus: II, iii
The execution of his wit, hands, heart,   Othello: III, iii
That would divorce this terror from my heart;’   King Richard II: V, iv
That well by heart hath conn’d his embassage:   Love’s Labour’s Lost: V, ii
That the bruised heart was pierced through the ear.   Othello: I, iii
That i, which know my heart, do here pronounce,   Cymbeline: II, iii
That have my heart parted betwixt two friends   Antony and Cleopatra: III, vi
That had a heart to love, and in that heart   Macbeth: II, iii
That ever eye with sight made heart lament!   Titus Andronicus: II, iii
That e’er our hearts shall make!   Othello: II, i
Taurus! that’s sides and heart.   Twelfth Night: I, iii
Taming my wild heart to thy loving hand:   Much Ado About Nothing: III, i
Take heed, dear heart, of this large privilege;   Sonnets: XCV
Straight in her heart did mercy come,   Sonnets: CXLV
So, sir, heartily well met, and most glad of your company.   Coriolanus: IV, iii
Silks betray thy poor heart to woman: keep thy foot   King Lear: III, iv
Scarce serves to quench my furnace-burning heart:   King Henry VI, part III: II, i
Prison my heart in thy steel bosom’s ward,   Sonnets: CXXXIII
Out-paramoured the turk: false of heart, light of   King Lear: III, iv
Our lamp is spent, it’s out! good sirs, take heart:   Antony and Cleopatra: IV, xv
One heart, one bed, two bosoms and one troth.   A Midsummer Night’s Dream: II, ii
Of the unguarded hearts, heavens, how they wound!   Cymbeline: V, iii
Of many faces, eyes and hearts,   As You Like It: III, ii
O serpent heart, hid with a flowering face!   Romeo and Juliet: III, ii
O perjured woman! thou dost stone my heart,   Othello: V, ii
O hamlet, thou hast cleft my heart in twain.   Hamlet: III, iv
My very heart at root.   Antony and Cleopatra: V, ii
My tongue will tell the anger of my heart,   The Taming of the Shrew: IV, iii
My tongue is too foolhardy; but my heart hath the   All’s Well that Ends Well: IV, i
My lord, in heart; and let the health go round.   Timon of Athens: I, ii
My life itself, and the best heart of it,   King Henry VIII: I, ii
My hearty friends,   Antony and Cleopatra: IV, ii
My heart, sweet boy, shall be thy sepulchre,   King Henry VI, part III: II, v
My heart will be blown up by the root.   Toilus and Cressida: IV, iv
My heart this covenant makes, my hand thus seals it.   King Richard II: II, iii
My heart suspects more than mine eye can see.   Titus Andronicus: II, iii
My heart prays for him, though my tongue do curse.   The Comedy of Errors: IV, ii
My heart misgives me: here comes master fenton.   Merry Wives of Windsor: V, v
My heart laments that virtue cannot live   Julius Caesar: II, iii
My heart is sorry for your daughter’s death:   Much Ado About Nothing: V, i
My heart for anger burns; I cannot brook it.   King Henry VI, part III: I, i
My heart fly to your service; there resides,   The Tempest: III, i
My heart dropp’d love, my power rain’d honour, more   King Henry VIII: III, ii
My heart beats thicker than a feverous pulse;   Toilus and Cressida: III, ii
My heart assures me that the earl of warwick   King Henry VI, part II: II, ii
My heart as great, my reason haply more,   The Taming of the Shrew: V, ii
My heart and hands thou hast at once subdued.   King Henry VI, part I: I, ii
My hand would free her, but my heart says no   King Henry VI, part I: V, iii
Must, like a whore, unpack my heart with words,   Hamlet: II, ii
Madam, with all my heart.   King Richard III: IV, iv
Keep yet their hearts attending on themselves,   Othello: I, i
It warms the very sickness in my heart,   Hamlet: IV, vii
In thy heart-blood, though being all too base   King Richard II: IV, i
In their hearts, that for their tongues to be   Coriolanus: II, ii
In our heart‘s table; heart too capable   All’s Well that Ends Well: I, i
In faith, they are as true of heart as we.   Twelfth Night: II, iv
In faith, lady, you have a merry heart.   Much Ado About Nothing: II, i
If thy revengeful heart cannot forgive,   King Richard III: I, ii
If thou livest, pericles, thou hast a heart   Pericles, Prince of Tyre: III, ii
If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart   Hamlet: V, ii
If my heart‘s dear love–   Romeo and Juliet: II, ii
If it be you that stir these daughters’ hearts   King Lear: II, iv
I speak it with a single heart, my lords,   King Henry VIII: V, iii
I saw his heart in ‘s face. give me thy hand:   The Winter’s Tale: I, ii
I pray the gods she may with all my heart!   The Taming of the Shrew: IV, iv
I had your heart before, this follows it.   Toilus and Cressida: V, ii
I could shake them off my coat: these burs are in my heart.   As You Like It: I, iii
I could find in my heart to disgrace my man’s   As You Like It: II, iv
I come not, friends, to steal away your hearts:   Julius Caesar: III, ii
I cannot speak; if my heart be not read to burst,–   King Henry IV, part II: II, iv
I’ll make you quiet. what, cheerly, my hearts!   Romeo and Juliet: I, v
Ho! hearts, tongues, figures, scribes, bards,   Antony and Cleopatra: III, ii
hearts, what ado here is to bring you together!   Merry Wives of Windsor: IV, v
heart-hardening spectacles; tell these sad women   Coriolanus: IV, i
heart is bleeding,   Various poetry: XVIII
He that perforce robs lions of their hearts   King John: I, i
He has my heart yet; and shall have my prayers   King Henry VIII: III, i
Has friendship such a faint and milky heart,   Timon of Athens: III, i
Got’s will, and his passion of my heart! I had as   Merry Wives of Windsor: III, i
Gallants, lads, boys, hearts of gold, all the titles   King Henry IV, part I: II, iv
For, had the passions of thy heart burst out,   King Henry VI, part I: IV, i
For, as it is a heartbreaking to see a handsome man   Antony and Cleopatra: I, ii
For well thou know’st to my dear doting heart   Sonnets: CXXXI
For she shall not live: no, my heart is turned to   Othello: IV, i
For my heart speaks they are welcome.   Macbeth: III, iv
For it no form delivers to the heart   Sonnets: CXIII
Fie, coward woman and soft-hearted wretch!   King Henry VI, part II: III, ii
False face must hide what the false heart doth know.   Macbeth: I, vii
Dizzy-eyed fury and great rage of heart   King Henry VI, part I: IV, vii
Convert to anger; blunt not the heart, enrage it.   Macbeth: IV, iii
Come, come, beshrew your heart! you’ll ne’er be good,   Toilus and Cressida: IV, ii
Come, cassius’ sword, and find titinius’ heart.   Julius Caesar: V, iii
Cog their hearts from them, and come home beloved   Coriolanus: III, ii
By heart and in heart, boy.   Love’s Labour’s Lost: III, i
But you like none, none you, for constant heart.   Sonnets: LIII
But woo her, gentle paris, get her heart,   Romeo and Juliet: I, ii
But then my friend’s heart let my poor heart bail;   Sonnets: CXXXIII
But my heart bleeds; and most accursed am i   The Winter’s Tale: III, iii
But ’tis my heart that loves what they despise,   Sonnets: CXLI
Bow, stubborn knees; and, heart with strings of steel,   Hamlet: III, iii
Beshrew your heart for sending me about,   Romeo and Juliet: II, v
Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groan   Sonnets: CXXXIII
Bear thine eyes straight, though thy proud heart go wide.   Sonnets: CXL
As true hearts cannot bear.   Othello: IV, ii
As it should pierce a hundred thousand hearts;   A Midsummer Night’s Dream: II, i
And with a great heart heave away the storm:   King John: V, ii
And when ’tis told, o, that my heart would burst!   King Lear: V, iii
And therefore cannot have the hearts to do it.   King Richard III: I, iv
And the stony-hearted villains know it well enough:   King Henry IV, part I: II, ii
And take it from a heart that wishes towards you   King Henry VIII: I, i
And on them shalt thou ease thy angry heart.   Titus Andronicus: V, ii
And mine, with my heart in’t; and now farewell   The Tempest: III, i
And I will turn thy falsehood to thy heart,   King Richard II: IV, i
And give your hearts to, when they once perceive   King Henry VIII: II, i
And do it with all thy heart.   Much Ado About Nothing: IV, i
And bid mine eyes be packing with my heart   King Henry VI, part II: III, ii
And a merry heart lives long-a.   King Henry IV, part II: V, iii
Amen, with all my heart!   Othello: V, ii
Aaron is gone; and my compassionate heart   Titus Andronicus: II, iii
A woman’s gentle heart, but not acquainted   Sonnets: XX
A very honest-hearted fellow, and as poor as the king.   King Lear: I, iv
A thousand hearts are great within my bosom:   King Richard III: V, iii
A roman with a roman’s heart can suffer:   Cymbeline: V, v
A quest of thoughts, all tenants to the heart,   Sonnets: XLVI
A kind heart he hath: a woman would run through   Merry Wives of Windsor: III, iv
A heavy heart bears not a nimble tongue:   Love’s Labour’s Lost: V, ii
heart unspotted is not easily daunted.   King Henry VI, part II: III, i
heart unfortified, a mind impatient,   Hamlet: I, ii
heart so tender o’er it, take it hence   The Winter’s Tale: II, iii
heart of wreak in thee, that wilt revenge   Coriolanus: IV, v
heart it was, bound in with diamonds,   King Henry VI, part II: III, ii
A foolish heart, that I leave here behind.   A Midsummer Night’s Dream: III, ii
A boar-spear in my hand; and–in my heart   As You Like It: I, iii
‘farewell, dear heart, since I must needs be gone.’   Twelfth Night: II, iii
Your hearts i’ll stamp out with my horse’s heels,   King Henry VI, part I: I, iv
Your worship. mistress page hath her hearty   Merry Wives of Windsor: II, ii
Your hearts.   King Henry VI, part II: III, i
Your good heart! I wished your venison better; it   Merry Wives of Windsor: I, i
You have a gentle heart. I saw you lately,   Pericles, Prince of Tyre: IV, i
You cannot, if my heart were in your hand;   Othello: III, iii
You and you are heart in heart   As You Like It: V, iv
You scarcely have the hearts to tell me so,   King Richard III: I, iv
You lose a thousand well-disposed hearts   King Richard II: II, i
You draw me, you hard-hearted adamant;   A Midsummer Night’s Dream: II, i
You cloudy princes and heart-sorrowing peers,   King Richard III: II, ii
Yet do our hearts wear timon’s livery;   Timon of Athens: IV, ii
Yet am I thankful: if my heart were great,   All’s Well that Ends Well: IV, iii
Yet wild, the people’s hearts brimful of fear,   Othello: II, iii
Yet should both ear and heart obey my tongue.   Titus Andronicus: IV, iv
Yet blessing on his heart that gives it me!   King Richard II: V, v
Yes, my good lord, a pure unspotted heart,   King Henry VI, part I: V, iii
Yes, lion-sick, sick of proud heart: you may call it   Toilus and Cressida: II, iii
Yes, heartily beseech you.   King Henry VIII: I, ii
Yes, ‘faith heartily.   Hamlet: I, v
Yea, without stop, didst let thy heart consent,   King John: IV, ii
Yea, thrust this enterprise into my heart;   King John: V, ii
Ye have angels’ faces, but heaven knows your hearts.   King Henry VIII: III, i
Would I could find in my heart that I had not a hard   Much Ado About Nothing: I, i
Would once use our hearts, whereby we might express   Timon of Athens: I, ii
Woman’s heart; and, I warrant you, they could never   Merry Wives of Windsor: II, ii
Witness the hole you made in caesar’s heart,   Julius Caesar: V, i
Without a heart to dare or sword to draw   Toilus and Cressida: II, ii
With more than foreign heart. we every day   Pericles, Prince of Tyre: IV, i
With hearts more proof than shields. advance,   Coriolanus: I, iv
With hearts create of duty and of zeal.   King Henry V: II, ii
With as big heart as thou. do as thou list   Coriolanus: III, ii
With all my heart; and much it joys me too,   King Richard III: I, ii
With all my heart; and it doth much content me   Hamlet: III, i
With all my heart; and, when you come ashore,   Pericles, Prince of Tyre: V, i
With all my heart.   King Lear: IV, vi
With all my heart. some three or four of you   Merchant of Venice: IV, i
With all my heart.   King Henry IV, part I: V, v
With all my heart.   King Henry IV, part I: III, i
With all my heart, my lord.   All’s Well that Ends Well: III, vi
With all my heart, my liege.   King John: IV, ii
With all my heart, i’ll send the emperor my hand:   Titus Andronicus: III, i
With all my heart, i’ll gossip at this feast.   The Comedy of Errors: V, i
With all my heart, so thou canst get a wife.   Merchant of Venice: III, ii
With all my heart, sir.   Othello: IV, i
With all my heart, gentlemen both; and how fare you?   Timon of Athens: III, vi
With all my heart, and think me honoured   King Henry VI, part I: II, iii
With all my heart i’ll sit and hear her sing:   King Henry IV, part I: III, i
With all my heart   King Richard II: V, iii
With meekness and humility; but your heart   King Henry VIII: II, iv
With insufficiency my heart to sway?   Sonnets: CL
With heart-blood of the house of lancaster;   King Henry VI, part II: II, ii
With gobbets of thy mother’s bleeding heart.   King Henry VI, part II: IV, i
With bloodless stroke my heart doth gore:   Twelfth Night: II, v
Wilt break my heart?   King Lear: III, iv
Will nothing turn your unrelenting hearts?   King Henry VI, part I: V, iv
Will he conduct you through the heart of france,   King Henry VI, part II: IV, viii
Will have the heart of him, if he forfeit; for, were   Merchant of Venice: III, i
Why, this it is: my heart accords thereto,   The Two Gentlemen of Verona: I, iii
Why, that contempt will kill the speaker’s heart,   Love’s Labour’s Lost: V, ii
Why, how now, adam! no greater heart in thee? live   As You Like It: II, vi
Why stand we like soft-hearted women here,   King Henry VI, part III: II, iii
Why should I not, had I the heart to do it,   Twelfth Night: V, i
Why does my blood thus muster to my heart,   Measure for Measure: II, iv
Why ‘heart‘s ease?’   Romeo and Juliet: IV, v
Whose hearts have left their bodies here in england   King Henry V: I, ii
Whose hearts are absent too.   Macbeth: V, iv
Whose heart within his bosom is.   As You Like It: V, iv
Whose heart the accustom’d sight of death makes hard,   As You Like It: III, v
Whose heart I thought I had, for she had mine;   Antony and Cleopatra: IV, xiv
Whose hand soever lanced their tender hearts,   King Richard III: IV, iv
Whose fresh complexion and whose heart together   The Winter’s Tale: IV, iv
Whose double bosoms seem to wear one heart,   Coriolanus: IV, iv
Whose strength’s abundance weakens his own heart.   Sonnets: XXIII
Whose loss hath pierced him deep and scarr’d his heart;   Titus Andronicus: IV, iv
Whose dear perfection hearts that scorn’d to serve   All’s Well that Ends Well: V, iii
Whom with a crack’d heart I have sent to rome,   Coriolanus: V, iii
Whom I with all the office of my heart   Othello: III, iv
Whoe’er keeps me, let my heart be his guard;   Sonnets: CXXXIII
Who, when my heart, all mad with misery,   Titus Andronicus: III, ii
Who, in my mood, I stabb’d unto the heart.   The Two Gentlemen of Verona: IV, i
While you, sweet dear, prove mistress of my heart!   The Taming of the Shrew: IV, ii
Which, but thou hast already, with all my heart   Othello: I, iii
Which with the heart there cools and ne’er returneth   King Henry VI, part II: III, ii
Which to recure, we heartily solicit   King Richard III: III, vii
Which thou hast whetted on thy stony heart,   King Henry IV, part II: IV, v
Which the poor heart would fain deny, and dare not. seyton!   Macbeth: V, iii
Which often, thus, correcting thy stout heart,   Coriolanus: III, ii
Which my heart knows the wide world’s common place?   Sonnets: CXXXVII
Which many legions of true hearts had warm’d;   Sonnets: CLIV
Which I in sufferance heartily will rejoice,   King Henry V: II, ii
Which weighs upon the heart?   Macbeth: V, iii
Which came from one that’s of a neutral heart,   King Lear: III, vii
Whereto the judgment of my heart is tied?   Sonnets: CXXXVII
Wherefore, sweet-heart? what’s your metaphor?   Twelfth Night: I, iii
Where hast thou been, my heart? dost thou hear, lady?   Antony and Cleopatra: III, xiii
Where are these lads? where are these hearts?   A Midsummer Night’s Dream: IV, ii
Where heart doth hop:   A Midsummer Night’s Dream: V, i
Where fires thou find’st unraked and hearths unswept,   Merry Wives of Windsor: V, v
When my poor heart no measure keeps in grief:   King Richard II: III, iv
When I am sometime absent from thy heart,   Sonnets: XLI
When he shall split thy very heart with sorrow,   King Richard III: I, iii
When inward joy enforced my heart to smile!   The Two Gentlemen of Verona: I, ii
Whate’er thy thoughts or thy heart‘s workings be,   Sonnets: XCIII
What, what, sweet-heart?   All’s Well that Ends Well: II, iii
What, hath thy fiery heart so parch’d thine entrails   King Henry VI, part III: I, iv
What, art thou drawn among these heartless hinds?   Romeo and Juliet: I, i
What say’st thou, noble heart?   Othello: I, iii
What my tongue dares not, that my heart shall say.   King Richard II: V, v
What’s the matter, sweet-heart?   All’s Well that Ends Well: II, iii
What’s in his heart; and that is there which looks   Coriolanus: III, iii
What wretched errors hath my heart committed,   Sonnets: CXIX
What stronger breastplate than a heart untainted!   King Henry VI, part II: III, ii
What store her heart is made on. stop her there!   King Lear: III, vi
What heart, head, sword, force, means, but is   Timon of Athens: II, ii
Well: a man may draw his heart out, ere a’ pluck   All’s Well that Ends Well: I, iii
Well, and in dearness of heart hath holp to effect   Much Ado About Nothing: III, ii
Well, petruchio, this has put me in heart.   The Taming of the Shrew: IV, v
Well then, take a good heart and counterfeit to be a man.   As You Like It: IV, iii
Well said, my hearts! you are a princox; go:   Romeo and Juliet: I, v
Wear thy heart in a scarf!   As You Like It: V, ii
We pray with heart and soul and all beside:   King Richard II: V, iii
We carry not a heart with us from hence   King Henry V: II, ii
We bend to that the working of the heart;   Love’s Labour’s Lost: IV, i
Wash my fierce hand in’s heart. go you to the city;   Coriolanus: I, x
Warr’st thou with a woman’s heart?   As You Like It: IV, iii
Want nothing that the thought of hearts can mend;   Sonnets: LXIX
Virtue out of our hearts by the head and shoulders   Merry Wives of Windsor: V, v
Vengeance is in my heart, death in my hand,   Titus Andronicus: II, iii
Upon your heads–is nothing but heart-sorrow   The Tempest: III, iii
Upon thy words, that kill mine eye and heart!   King Henry VI, part III: II, v
Upon a tawny front: his captain’s heart,   Antony and Cleopatra: I, i
Upon a pleasing treaty, and have hearts   Coriolanus: II, ii
Up, cousin, up; your heart is up, I know,   King Richard II: III, iii
Up in my heart; which I have given already,   The Winter’s Tale: IV, iv
Unto the prince’s heart of calydon.   King Henry VI, part II: I, i
Unfit to live or die: o gravel heart!   Measure for Measure: IV, iii
Two creatures heartily.   Cymbeline: I, vi
Twice fifteen thousand hearts of england’s breed,–   King John: II, i
Tongues spit their duties out, and cold hearts freeze   King Henry VIII: I, ii
Tongue to the roof of my mouth, my heart in my   The Taming of the Shrew: IV, i
Tongue is the clapper, for what his heart thinks his   Much Ado About Nothing: III, ii
Tongue far from heart–play with all virgins so:   Measure for Measure: I, iv
Told him my pilgrimage: but his flaw’d heart,   King Lear: V, iii
To you, the liver, heart and brain of britain,   Cymbeline: V, v
To wear a heart so white.   Macbeth: II, ii
To think I shall lack friends? secure thy heart;   Timon of Athens: II, ii
To the noble heart. what’s gone and what’s past help   The Winter’s Tale: III, ii
To tell the passion of my sovereign’s heart;   King Henry VI, part III: III, iii
To taint his nobler heart and brain   Cymbeline: V, iv
To sound the purpose of all their hearts,   King John: IV, ii
To see her tears; but be your heart to them   Titus Andronicus: II, iii
To rest mistrustful where a noble heart   King Henry VI, part III: IV, ii
To prove upon thy heart, whereto I speak,   King Lear: V, iii
To prove thou hast a true-divining heart,   Titus Andronicus: II, iii
To prick thy finger, though to wound his heart:   King Henry VI, part III: I, iv
To make my heart her vassal.   Antony and Cleopatra: II, vi
To let thy tongue detect thy base-born heart?   King Henry VI, part III: II, ii
To know our enemies’ minds, we’ld rip their hearts;   King Lear: IV, vi
To join our kingdoms and our hearts; and never   Antony and Cleopatra: II, ii
To every purpose! o thou touch of hearts!   Timon of Athens: IV, iii
To draw from her a prayer of earnest heart   Othello: I, iii
To breathe the abundant dolour of the heart.   King Richard II: I, iii
To break the heart of generosity,   Coriolanus: I, i
To bear our hearts in grief and our whole kingdom   Hamlet: I, ii
To time and mortal custom. yet my heart   Macbeth: IV, i
To cleave a heart in twain.   Measure for Measure: III, i
To bed! ay, sweet-heart, and i’ll come to thee.   Twelfth Night: III, iv
Till it was whetted on thy stone-hard heart,   King Richard III: IV, iv
Thy looks with me, thy heart in other place:   Sonnets: XCIII
Thy heart to find it. is she with posthumus?   Cymbeline: III, v
Thy heart is big, get thee apart and weep.   Julius Caesar: III, i
Thy valour and thy heart, thou art a traitor;   King Lear: V, iii
Thy slander hath gone through and through her heart,   Much Ado About Nothing: V, i
Thy proud hearts slave and vassal wretch to be:   Sonnets: CXLI
Thy late exploits done in the heart of france,   King Henry VI, part II: I, i
Thy discreet heart think it. her eye must be fed;   Othello: II, i
Thus of every grief in heart   Various poetry: XXI
Thus give I mine, and thus take I thy heart.   King Richard II: V, i
Through proof of harness to my heart, and there   Antony and Cleopatra: IV, viii
Through heartless ground,   Various poetry: XVIII
Through a straight lane; the enemy full-hearted,   Cymbeline: V, iii
Throng many doubtful hollow-hearted friends,   King Richard III: IV, iv
Thoughts of your heart with the looks of an empress;   King Henry V: V, ii
Thoughts high for one so tender, cleft the heart   The Winter’s Tale: III, ii
Though that her jesses were my dear heartstrings,   Othello: III, iii
Thou wouldst have left thy dearest heart-blood there,   King Henry VI, part III: I, i
Thou dost so crown with gold! this blows my heart:   Antony and Cleopatra: IV, vi
Thou noble thing! more dances my rapt heart   Coriolanus: IV, v
This diamond was my mother’s: take it, heart;   Cymbeline: I, i
This argues fruitfulness and liberal heart:   Othello: III, iv
This act so evilly born shall cool the hearts   King John: III, iv
This something-settled matter in his heart,   Hamlet: III, i
This orient pearl. his speech sticks in my heart.   Antony and Cleopatra: I, v
This heavy act with heavy heart relate.   Othello: V, ii
This cheers my heart, to see your forwardness.   King Henry VI, part III: V, iv
Think in their hearts they may effect, they will   Merry Wives of Windsor: II, ii
Thing, and wilt not call, beshrew thy heart.   King Henry IV, part II: V, iii
Thine intellect? hath he been in thy heart?   King Richard II: V, i
They could not find a heart within the beast.   Julius Caesar: II, ii
They are infected; in their hearts it lies;   Love’s Labour’s Lost: V, ii
They are close delations, working from the heart   Othello: III, iii
They draw but what they see, know not the heart.   Sonnets: XXIV
These words of yours draw life-blood from my heart:   King Henry VI, part I: IV, vi
These days. the king has killed his heart. good   King Henry V: II, i
These blenches gave my heart another youth,   Sonnets: CX
There were a heart in egypt.   Antony and Cleopatra: I, iii
There’s a merry heart! good master silence, i’ll   King Henry IV, part II: V, iii
Then, clifford, were thy heart as hard as steel,   King Henry VI, part III: II, i
Then, bolingbroke, as low as to thy heart,   King Richard II: I, i
Then, aaron, arm thy heart, and fit thy thoughts,   Titus Andronicus: II, i
Then thou alone kingdoms of hearts shouldst owe.   Sonnets: LXX
Then reason will our heart should be as good   King Henry IV, part II: IV, i
Then though my heart‘s content firm love doth bear,   Toilus and Cressida: I, ii
Then plainly know my heart‘s dear love is set   Romeo and Juliet: II, iii
Them bravely, quite traverse, athwart the heart of   As You Like It: III, iv
Their very heart of hope.   Coriolanus: I, vi
Their needles to lances, and their gentle hearts   King John: V, ii
Thee, my heart bleeds inwardly that my father is so   King Henry IV, part II: II, ii
The wildest hath not such a heart as you.   A Midsummer Night’s Dream: II, i
The white cold virgin snow upon my heart   The Tempest: IV, i
The valiant heart is not whipt out of his trade.   Measure for Measure: II, i
The region of my heart: be kent unmannerly,   King Lear: I, i
The pride of kingly sway from out my heart;   King Richard II: IV, i
The poor deer’s blood, that my heart means no ill.   Love’s Labour’s Lost: IV, i
The people’s hearts, and wean them from themselves.   Titus Andronicus: I, i
The native act and figure of my heart   Othello: I, i
The mortal venus, the heart-blood of beauty, love’s   Toilus and Cressida: III, i
The mind I sway by and the heart I bear   Macbeth: V, iii
The loss of those three lords torments my heart:   King Henry VI, part III: I, i
The least a month; and he heartily prays some   Much Ado About Nothing: I, i
The king’s a bawcock, and a heart of gold,   King Henry V: IV, i
The innocent mansion of my love, my heart;   Cymbeline: III, iv
The hearts of princes kiss obedience,   King Henry VIII: III, i
The hearts of men, they must perforce have melted   King Richard II: V, ii
The hearts of all that he did angle for;   King Henry IV, part I: IV, iii
The heart of woman is! o brutus,   Julius Caesar: II, iv
The heart of my message.   Twelfth Night: I, v
The heart of brutus yearns to think upon!   Julius Caesar: II, ii
The heart of antony, octavia is   Antony and Cleopatra: II, ii
The heart that conn’d them.   Coriolanus: IV, i
The head is not more native to the heart,   Hamlet: I, ii
The execution of my big-swoln heart   King Henry VI, part III: II, ii
The envious load that lies upon his heart;   King Henry VI, part II: III, i
The cordial of mine age to glad my heart!   Titus Andronicus: I, i
The close enacts and counsels of the heart!   Titus Andronicus: IV, ii
The blood weeps from my heart when I do shape   King Henry IV, part II: IV, iv
The armourer of my heart: false, false; this, this.   Antony and Cleopatra: IV, iv
The venomous malice of my swelling heart!   Titus Andronicus: V, iii
The matter’s in my head and in my heart:   As You Like It: III, v
The master-cord on’s heart!   King Henry VIII: III, ii

Sir Walter Scott

Heart of the Midlothian

Heart of the Midlothian

St Giles Cathedral

Edinburgh Scotland

03254p.8s The heart-shaped design of the cobble stones near St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh marks where the entrance to the 15th century Tolbooth used to be located. In 1561 the Tolbooth was originally was used to collect tolls. After 1640 it became a a prison and a site for criminal hangings. Some of the famous victims heads were dispplayed on spikes. The Tolbooth was demolished in 1817. Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) was the author of the Heart of the Midlothian which was published in 1818. The story relates the riots of 1736 over the execution of two smugglers. The protesting crowd were fired upon by the city guards of Captain John Porteous, resulting in the death of a few civilians. The hated Porteous was later lynched by the crowd who invaded the tollbooth. The title of the story refers to the geographic location of Edinburgh which was central to the Midlothian county. The public objection to the hangings was demonstrated by their spitting on the door of the tollbooth. When the tollbooth was demolished in 1817, the tradition was continued and spitting on the cobblestone was a hope for goodluck. An old law forbade spitting in public except for on the heart in the cobblestone heart culture history Midlothian Walter Scott spitting good luck Davidoff photography Edinburgh Scotland culture history Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved