Tear Drop and Pear

Tear Drop

02504pb03 water droplets window glass teardrop shape Davidoff photography water

Pear Shaped Gallbladder

17084 gallbladder + fx distended + wall edema dx distal common bile duct stone imaging radiology MRI


85370pb01.8s pear fruit food gallbladder shape Davidoff photography Davidoff art Copyright 2008

Normal Pear Shaped Uterus

46749 hx young female presentingwith vaginal bleeding for 2 weeks, hematocrit of 25, left lower quadrant pain, and LLQ mass HCG 7000 fx uterus endometrial stripe ovary fx no intrauterine pregnancy Davidoff MD
46317 uterus endometrium shape size normal anatomy USscan Davidoff MD

Pear shaped Female body

60644 elderly female shape pear shaped body normal abdomen chest anatomy applied biology TCV the common vein surface rendering CTscan Davidoff MD