
  • 3 Arteries: Testicular, ductus deferens, cremasteric
  • 3 Nerves: Genital branch of the genitofemoral, cremasteric, autonomic nerves
  • 3 Things: Ductus deferens, pampiniform plexus, lymphatics


  • Size
    • The normal diameter of the spermatic cord is about 16 mm (range 11 to 22 mm).
  • Shape
  • Position
STIR sequence in the sagittal plane of the right testis shows the spermatic cord, as it fans out over the epididymis and testis
Ashley Davidoff MD 133531
STIR sequence in the sagittal plane of the right testis shows the spermatic cord, (yellow)as it fans out over the epididymis (pale yellow) and testis. The accompanying arterioles (red) and pampiniform venous plexus (blue) are noted.
Ashley Davidoff MD 133531
US in the transverse plane through both cords shows the fanned-out appearance of the right cord in the more distal portions and the more rounded appearance of the left cord more proximally.
Ashley Davidoff MD 133680


US in the long axis of the right spermatic cord (teal arrow), fanning out (light blue arrow) and connecting with the epididymis (yellow arrow).
Ashley Davidoff MD 133541L


EPIDIDYMAL ABSCESS  US in the sagittal plane of the left spermatic cord shows enlargement and thickening of the wall consistent with extension of the inflammatory process from the epididymal abscess.
Ashley Davidoff MD 133187
NORMAL AND THICKENED CORD SECONDARY TO EPIDIDYMITIS    US in the sagittal plane through the right (normal) and left (enlarged) left epididymis testis consistent with the diagnosis of epididymitis of the left epididymis
Ashley Davidoff MD 133157b14
US in the sagittal plane through the normal left spermatic cord (black arrow head upper image) and enlarged spermatic cord (red arrow lower image), a finding associated with epididymo-orchitis
Ashley Davidoff MD 1331113cL
Coronal reconstruction of the CT scan of the pelvis shows hyperemic and enlarged spermatic cord, (orange arrow), enlargement of the right epididymis (red arrow) and normal left epididymis (white arrow)
Ashley Davidoff MD 133238
Spermatic Cord and Torsion
US in the transverse plane through the right spermatic cord is swollen.
Ashley Davidoff MD 133741
Doppler US in the transverse plane through both testes shows enlargement and no flow to the right testis consistent with the diagnosis of acute torsion.
Ashley Davidoff MD 133738
US in transverse plane in a 25 year old male showing the distal spermatic cord fanning out over the epididymis and testis posteriorly
Ashley Davidoff MD 133378
Doppler US in sagittal plane in a 25 year old male showing the distal spermatic cord fanning out over the epididymis and testis posteriorly
Ashley Davidoff MD 133379
Spermatic Cord and Pampiniform plexus Fanning Out Over the Testis
US in sagittal plane in a 25 year old male showing the distal spermatic cord fanning out over the epididymis and testis posteriorly
Ashley Davidoff MD 133377


Doppler US in the sagittal plane through the right testis shows the vessels of the distal spermatic cord spreading over the posterior surface of the testes
Ashley Davidoff MD 133423
US in the transverse plane through the right epididymis in a 24 year old male shows a bilobed appendix epididymis on a narrow stalk, and an epididymal cyst. The normal distal aspect of the spermatic cord surrounding the epididymis sis seen and there is a small amount of fluid in the scrotal sac.
Ashley Davidoff MD 133514
US in the long axis of the left spermatic cord shows enlarged veins consistent with a diagnosis of a varicocele
Ashley Davidoff MD 133546
T1 FS post gadolinium weighted sequence in the coronal plane through the left testis in a patient with an infarcted seminoma, and shows a prominent gonadal vein in the spermatic cord as it enters the cord and then becoming serpiginous in the distal portions of the cord.
Ashley Davidoff MD 133580L


28-year-old male presents with a right testicular pain.

US in the transverse and sagittal planes through the right testicle shows multicentric hypoechoic nodules some of which are hyper vascular.  One of neoplastic nodules appears to extend into the region of the head of the epididymis and insertion of the cord.

US in the transverse plane through the right testicle shows a hypoechoic nodule some of which appears to extend into the region of the head of the epididymis and insertion of the cord near the hilum.
Ashley Davidoff MD 133688
Doppler US in the transverse and sagittal planes through the right testicle shows multicentric hypoechoic nodules some of which are hyper vascular. One of neoplastic nodules appears to extend into the region of the head of the epididymis and insertion of the cord.
Ashley Davidoff MD 133699

Germ cell tumor with findings classical of seminoma.  There was of the rete testis, and hilar stromal tissue.  The tumor penetrated the tunica albuginea. Multifocal angiolymphatic invasion TNM pT2 Nx Mx