Tree Trunk and Stone with an Ancient Sling
Ashley Davidoff The CommonVein.net
David and Goliath
The Lesson: Impediments, no matter how seemingly large, can be overcome
Acknowledging lessons learned from those before us
From Generation to Generation Le Dor Vador
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net


Jacob Struggling with the Angel
Israel means struggle and after the struggle Jacob’s name was changed to Israel
?From now on, your name will no longer be Jacob. You will be called Israel, because you have wrestled with God and with men, and you have won.?.
Created from roots found on our dog walk
lesasons learned from nature and and our parents Le Dor Vador from Generation to Generation
Ashley Davidoff MD
One day after the beaver full moon – over our garden showing Jacob struggling with the Angel over whom he was victorious after which he was renamed Israel, which means struggle
The lesson ? Life is a struggle ? work to overcome it !
Sculpture created from roots of nature
Acknowledging lessons learned from nature, our garden, and those that came before us – Le Dor Vador from Generation to Generation
Ashley Davidoff MD
Shofar and Its Sounds
A Community is made of all different individuals each providing their unique personalities
Ashley Davidoff MD
Shofar and Its Sounds
A Community is made of all different individuals each providing their unique personalities
Ashley Davidoff MD
Shofar and Its Sounds
A Community is made of all different individuals each providing their unique personalities
Ashley Davidoff MD
Dove of Peace
Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net
Tzeddakah – Charity
Ashley Davidoff MD
Art and Sculpture in our Garden and Inspired by the Shapes of Nature
Tzedakah – Charity Think of Others
Acknowledging lessons learned from nature and my parents Le Dor Vador
Ashley Davidoff MD
Children of Israel coming to Sinia to receive the 10 commandments
Ashley Davidoff
Mother and 5 Children
Pru U Revu
Go forth and Multiply
Acknowledging lessons learned from nature and my parents le Dor Vador
Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net
On reflection, my hope for friends and family, and in fact for the world at large, is a New Year of PEACE. The word for peace in Hebrew is Shalom and the first letter is a Shin Shalom and Shin produce the sound SH – an appeal to the world to quieten down and to rather listen than to make so much noise
With this in mind I created a little sculpture to depict and reflect on the 3 pronged letter- The Shin. In the next few posts I will explore the symbolisms of this beautiful letter
Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net
When we are in the Winter of our lives, and the fruitful color of our Spring and Summer have passed us, and the beautiful rich mellow years of the Autumn have passed, we can find our depth and support in our roots We should never forget the importance of our roots which sustain us throughout our lives
Tribute to nature, our garden, our parents and our ancestors Le Dor Vador From Generation to Generation  Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net