Triangles and Trianguloids

Ashley Davidooff

The Common Vein Copyright 2012


Lake Wachusetts, MAssachusetts

Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2012 all rights reserved 02345pi.8s

Calot’s Triangle

 The Common Vein Copyright 2008


Calot’s triangle is a surgical landmark.  It is triangle that is bordered by the common hepatic duct medially, the cystic duct inferiorly and the liver superiorly. The cystic artery usually passes through the triangle, and Calot’s lymph node is also within this triangle. 

Calot’s Triangle

Calot’s triangle is a surgical landmark.  It is bordered by the common hepatic duct medially, the cystic duct inferiorly and the liver superiorly. The cystic artery usually passes through the triangle, and Calot’s lymph node is also within this triangle.  The arrow points to the common hepatic duct, which in this diagram is relatively short.

04766b05b04.57dk.8s Calot’s triangle is an anatomic space bordered by the common hepatic duct medially, the cystic duct inferiorly and the liver superiorly. The cystic artery usually passes through the triangle, and Calot’s lymph node is also within this triangle. It is an important landmark to recognize during laparoscopic cholecystectomy gallbladder blood supply cystic artery anterior branch posterior branchcystic duct common hepatic duct common bile duct Calot’s triangle anatomy normal Davidoff art copyright 2008

The cystic artery passes superior to the cystic duct and terminates in two branches called the anterior (superficial) branch that runs on the free wall of the gallbladder and the posterior (deep) branch that runs on hepatic aspect of the gallbladder close to the gallbladder fossa.    The cystic duct is supplied by  2 to 4 minor branches called Calot?s arteries that originate just proximal to the origin of the anterior and posterior vessels.

Calot’s Lymph node

04766b05b04.58k.8s Calot’striangle is an anatomic space bordered by the common hepatic duct medially, the cystic duct inferiorly and the liver superiorly. The cystic artery usually passes through the triangle, and Calot’s lymph node is also within this triangle. It is an important landmark to recognize during laparoscopic cholecystectomy gallbladder blood supply cystic artery anterior branch posterior branchcystic duct common hepatic duct common bile duct Calot’s triangle calot’s lymph node anatomy normal Davidoff art copyright 2008

The vessel  for most of its course runs in the triangle of Calot whose boundaries are the inferior border of the liver edge, cystic duct, and common hepatic duct.

Small arteries, veins and biliary radicles run between the liver and the gallbladder in the gallbladder fossa directly from the liver into the gallbladder.

Arteries, Veins and Lymphatics in the Gallbladder Fossa

The gallbladder fossa abutting the liver (above) is shown with a thick walled arteriole which is a branch of the deep or posterior branch of the cystic artery.  Other small venules and lymphatics are noted in the connective tissue.  There are direct conections between the vessels of the fossa with the liver.

00140 gallbladder wall gallbladder fossa normal artery duct liver interface histopathology