Sepptember 2009

Copyright 2009


Born : 26th February 1952

Address: 55/5 Herzog Street, Jerusalem Israel.

P.O.Box 4334, Jerusalem, Israel

Tel/Fax: +972 2 5662690 ; Mobile: + 972 ? 52 ? 3276660


The First Years

Came to Israel December ?69 two weeks after finishing my matric exams, went to the new immigrants? preparatory course of the Technion, Haifa. Got a B.Sc. Chemistry and then a M.Sc. Physical Chemistry during which time I also married; gave birth to a son and daughter; and published a technical paper on semiconductors. Later on I completed a second M.Sc. Industrial Management with a major in marketing.

Career and Family

Started off as a part time technical writer in a high tech firm but was very soon drawn to the world of international sales and marketing where I have been ever since. My work has involved me in fields which at the time were completely new such as fiberoptics and then cellular communications and furthermore took me to places which were experiencing periods of historical importance e.g. East Germany undergoing reunification and capitalization shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall; a very shocked and  patriotic USA coast to coast 2 weeks after 09/11; and most recently a proud  and rapidly modernizing China 3 weeks before the Beijing 2008 Olympic games.  In between set up & ran my own private business.

Both my children, in their early thirties, are advocates ? Benny is a department head in the Ministry of Environment and at the same time is studying toward a Doctorate Degree in Law at the Hebrew University. Shirley is at a private law firm involved in litigation and represents many of her clients at the High Court of Justice, in addition to doing volunteer work for important social causes. Needless to say they are both good looking, brilliant and extremely argumentative as befits their profession.

The Present, Past and Future

I have been very fortunate to be able to live in Jerusalem for the past 20 years (credit is due to my ex-husband for this state of affairs). Since the 2nd intifada in 2002, when horrendous suicide bombings kept Jerusalemites off the streets and local tourists away, the mayors of Jerusalem have been building up a varied entertainment programme to encourage Jerusalemites to get out and to draw local tourists to the Capital. The result is concerts, shows, festivals, conferences, happenings, on an almost daily basis from early Spring to end Autumn. This is all in addition to the city?s inherent religious, historical, political, and academic offerings.

My years at KDS (standard 4 to the end of form 5) imbued me with a strong sense of my Jewish and Zionist identity; supplied me with a small circle of steadfast friends who are always there for me no matter what distance and periods of absence separate us; ensured that I have a healthy & strong physique (albeit unwillingly when I had to participate in sports activities which I was no good at and at the time had no idea that physical activity was critical for one?s health); supplied me with a broad based education; taught me compassion for those who suffered under Apartheid; and are now affording me much unexpected pleasure with reunions (actual and virtual) with nearly 150 people in all corners of the world!

For the future I am toying with the idea of using my love for travelling, learning new things, and aptitude for raising money to work on projects for NGO?s that deal on subjects of importance for the developing world such as environmental, health, women?s rights issues etc. I read that some of you are also heading in that direction and would be interested in exchanging ideas.

Thank you to everyone who organized this reunion, renewed contacts with so many ex-pupils after so many years, built up the website, and shared with us all, your life experiences and  thoughts on our common past. This has been for me a most exciting and rewarding experience.

Dorothy Courtney Courtesy Sally Anne Friedland and Dorothy Courtney
left around the table Debbie Liebgott, Sally Anne Friedland, Aubrey Ginsberg, Dorothy Courtney, Heather Miodownik (Anael Harpaz) Debbie Morgenstern .
Courtesy Sally Anne Friedland and Dorothy Courtney 92998p.8