Gad Elbaz Mizmor L David

Rogers Park Mix


Ki hineh kachomer beyad hayotzer. Birtzoto marchiv uvirtzoto mekatzer. Ken anachnu veyadcha chesed notzer. La’brit habet ve’al tefen la’yetzer.
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Behold, we are like clay in the hand of the crafter, who lengthens? and shortens it at will. Thus we are in Your hands, merciful Creator. Remember the Covenant and do not listen to the Evil Inclinati?on.

User-?contribut?ed translati?on.


Beginning of a piyut recited during the high holidays. The first verse is based on Jeremiah 18:6.


Indeed, as the clay in the hand of the potter, who, when he wishes expands it and when he wishes contracts it; so are we in Your hand, O You who remembers deeds of the loving kindness; Look to the covenant and do not regard our evil inclination.
Indeed, as the stone in the hand of the mason, who, when he wishes retains it and when he wishes smashes it; so are we in Your hand, O You who gives life and brings death; Look to the covenant and do not regard our evil inclination.

Rogers Park Yaaleh


Indeed, as the clay in the hand of the potter, who, when he wishes expands it and when he wishes contracts it; so are we in Your hand, O You who remembers deeds of the loving kindness; Look to the covenant and do not regard our evil inclination.
Indeed, as the stone in the hand of the mason, who, when he wishes retains it and when he wishes smashes it; so are we in Your hand, O You who gives life and brings death; Look to the covenant and do not regard our evil inclination.


Rogers Park Ki Hinea Kachomer