This is the story of a 4,000 year old culture and people

This web site has just been launched and is still evolving

The Common Vein is about the pursuit of understanding the world within us and around us and trying to draw the common principles that underly science biology and human endeavours.  This site specifically is an attempt to understand the spirtuality of the Jewish people and how  the religion runs parallel with the rest of the guiding principles within us and around us.

The Basic Universal Premise

Units Combine
(Bond) with Other
Units to
Form a New Unit
In a Given Environment
Often with a Unexpected Result


Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD
Said in Another Way

All Things are made of
which are Connected by
Bonds to
Other Parts
In a Given Context or Environment
In the Conscious or Unconscious  “Pursuit” of Oneness

In Our Material and Physical Experience
From the Smallest Scale –
An Electron
Bonds  with a
Proton to
Form a New Entity
The Hydrogen Atom
Atom Ashley Davidoff MD

And in the Middle(Our Biological Experience)

The Sperm
Bonds with the
Egg to
Form a
New Life

Sperm Meets Egg
When the sperm meets the egg there is a miraculous result as a new soul is created
Ashley Davidoff MD

And at the Largest Scale
Bond with
Other Galaxies to
Form the


Ashley Davidoff MD

The Result is not Always Positive
When it is the Best Thing that Can Happen it is
Thumbs Up 

When it is the Worst Thing that Can Happen it is 
Thumbs Down

And When It is neither the Best nor the Worst 
It is Somewhere in Between
Either a Partly Up
Or a Partly  Down

The result of an interaction between parts that bond with other parts is either thumbs up, thumbs down, or somewhere in between
Ashley Davidoff MD

Often it is not as simple as 1 + 1 (1 unit + 1 unit)
It may Innumerable units making up a new unit
For example

Water Molecules to the Droplet of Water

Cells to the organ

Or the Planets to the Solar System

By Ashley Davidoff MD


This art piece depicts the universal structural organization in biology. Different parts of a structure (drawn as disc shaped structures in the periphery of the art piece) are bonded to form a new and unique entity (sphere in the center) , with unique function guided by universal and common principles
Ashley Davidoff MD

Jewish Music and Song  are starting to take shape

The story starts with creation

The first word of creation (bereshith) begins with a beth that contains a seed (dagesh) that gives rise to the universe and the world (including Adam and Eve )
Shana Tova to all
The first word of creation (bereshith) begins with a beth that contains a seed (dagesh) that gives rise to the universe and the world (including Adam and Eve )
Shana Tova to all
Ashley Davidoff MD

and for some the story starts with Big Bang

Big Bang and the Birth of electron and proton
Ashley Davidoff MD

and there is a common line….

Both the seed (dagesh of the bet and the the seed of all the elements of the proton evolved in the context of time
Ashley Davidoff MD

 and Life moved on 

Wishing all family and friends a Happy New Year (Rosh Hashana) celebrating the birth of the world according to Jewish tradition. The first letter of the Torah (beth) is seen on the right in white, pregnant with a little seed (dagesh) waiting to be released. The shofar announces the birth of the world.
Night and day, the heavens and the earth, the sun moon and stars, and the first generations of animal and human life are about to embark on their journey of nature and nurture – and this Sunday is the beginning of the celebration of this event A Happy and Healthy New Year to All
Acknowledging the power of Le Dor Vador and the lessons learned from previous generations
Ashley Davidoff MD


10 basic rules of human interaction were established

Ten Commandments
Ashley Davidoff

and the Torah followed


The Torah
Ashley Davidoff


Ashkenazi Jews of late-19th-century Eastern Europe portrayed in Jews Praying in the Synagogue on Yom Kippur (1878), by Maurycy Gottlieb
Painted in Vienna. The artist’s self portrait is standing to the right of the seated rabbi, looking outwards. The inscription on the Torah scroll says “Donated in memory of our late honored teacher and rabbi Moshe Gottlieb of blessed memory 1878”; it is an epitaph for the artist.
All figures depict people from Gottlieb’s early life in Drohobycz. The artist himself appears three times: as an adult wearing a pendant standing to the right of the Torah, as a child at lower left wearing the same pendant, and as a boy at the far right. The woman he courted, Laura Rosenfeld, appears twice: at the top left, standing and holding a closed prayer book, and second from the right on the top row, next to her mother. (Summarized from notes by the Tel Aviv Museum.)

This is the story of a 4,000 year old culture and people