Burning Synagoge Kristallnacht November 9 and 10 1938


A Scharführer from Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp in the standard uniform worn by SS-TV. His collar patch displays the Totenkopf insignia worn by concentration camp staff.
Carpathian Ruthenian Jews arrive at Auschwitz?Birkenau, May 1944. Most were murdered in gas chambers hours after arriving.

The Mauthausen prisoner band playing as inmates are taken to their death, 1942. (Courtesy Claims Conference)



Demonstration photo by former prisoners at the Crematorium in Dachau concentration camp

The Liberation of Bergen-belsen Concentration Camp, April 1945 Dr Fritz Klein, the camp doctor, standing in a mass grave at Belsen. Klein, who was born in Austro-Hungary, was an early member of the Nazi Party and joined the SS in 1943. He worked in Auschwitz-Birkenau for a year from December 1943 where he assisted in the selection of prisoners to be sent to the gas chambers. After a brief period at Neungamme, Klein moved to Belsen in January 1945. Klein was subsequently convicted of two counts of war crimes and executed in December 1945.


A freed Buchenwald concentration camp prisoner identifies a member of the SS camp guard