MD/PhD program.

PhD in computational neuroscience working with calcium imaging in mice, and right now I am working on a deep learning project with Dr. Kolachalama in computational biology. I’d love to have a career where I can combine my interests in radiology with advances in AI



Michael Francis Romano


620 Columbus Ave, Apt 1, Boston MA 02118



                        MD/PhD Student, Computational Neuroscience

                        GPA: 3.95

Clinical grades: 4 x Honors, 3 x High Pass (Medicine, Psychology, Neurology)

USMLE Step 1: 256, Step 2 CK: 262

Advisor: Xue Han, Han Lab

                        Boston University, 2012-present

Boston, Massachussetts


                        BS, Chemistry

                        Cum Laude

Davidson College, 2009-2012

Davidson, North Carolina


BS, Biochemistry (transferred)

Georgetown University, 2008-2009

Washington, D.C.


Work and Research Experience


                        Boston University, Project leader, 2020-present

                        Kolachalama Lab, PI: Vijaya Kolachalama, PhD

                        Boston, MA

-Currently building a conditional generative adversarial network that can augment T1-weighted MRI scans with AV-1451 tau PET scans in Alzheimer?s Disease cohort and using this network to predict progression from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer?s Disease


                        Boston University, Graduate Student, 2014-2019

Han Lab, PI: Xue Han, PhD (2015-2019)

Kopell lab, PI: Nancy Kopell (2014-2015)

                        Boston, MA

-Dissertation demonstrated the contribution to voluntary movement of two types of interneurons in the mouse striatum. Involved statistical analysis, statistical modeling and image processing of two-color calcium imaging videos and associated behavioral data

Built novel experimental interfaces for calcium imaging using microcontrollers

In Kopell lab, performed data analysis of local field potential data from mouse models of Parkinson?s Disease to try to understand how beta oscillations are generated in a parkinsonian state.


                        Addis Clinic, Mobile App Developer, Summer-Fall 2015

                        Boston, MA

Contributed to development of Django-based middleware layer written in the Python programming language for the Addis Clinic mobile app. This app connected patients and clinicians with limited internet access and speeds in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with American clinicians to improve patient care in Addis.


Boston University, Rotation Student, Summer 2014

                        Eden/Kramer Lab, PI: Mark Kramer, PhD         

                        Boston, MA

Analyzed neuronal local field potential time series data from mouse models of Parkinson?s Disease


                        Boston University, Rotation Student, Summer 2013

                        Han Lab, PI: Xue Han, PhD

                        Boston, MA

-Contributed to the construction and design of a three-dimensional floating treadmill, including establishing data transfer between a Linux computer and Windows machine


                        Davidson College, Undergraduate Researcher, Summer 2011

                        Chemistry Department, PI: Erland Stevens, PhD

                        Davidson, NC

Worked on developing an analogue of Ribavirin, an antiretroviral drug.

-Results presented at the National American Chemical Society meeting in San Diego in March 2012




Languages: Python, MATLAB (fluent), bash, R (intermediate), C++, Arduino (some)

Frameworks: Django

Other: Linux, statistical analysis, statistical modeling, machine learning, image processing, microcontroller devices and experimental design




House, A.E., Romano, M.F., Orczykowski, M.E., Zumwalt, A., Devaiah, A.K. Multimodal microvascular mapping for head and neck, skull base research and education: an anatomical donor study. (Submitted).


Smith, A.C.W. Smith, Jonkman, S., Difeliceantonio, A.G., O?Connor, R.M., Ghoshal, S., Romano, M.F., Everitt, B.J., Kenny, P.J. New goal-directed actions are encoded by the brain habit center. (Submitted)


Rague, J.T., Greear, G.M., Romano, M.F., Katz, M.H., Munarriz, R. Testicular torsion: epidemiological risk factors for orchiectomy in pediatric and adult patients. (Conditionally accepted: IJIR, Your Sexual Medicine Journal).


Shemesh, O. A., Linghu, C., Piatkevich, K. D., Goodwin, D., Gritton, H. J., Romano, M. F.,  Siciliano, C., Gao, R., Yu, C. C., Tseng, H.A., Bensussen, S., Narayan, S., Yang, C. T., Freifeld, L., Gupta, I., Noamany, H., Pak, N., Yoon, Y.G., Ullmann, J. F. P., Guner-Ataman, B., Sheinkopf, Z. R., Park, W. M., Asano, S., Keating, A. E., Trimmer, J. S., Reimer, J., Tolias, A., Tye, K. M., Han, X., Ahrens, M. B., Boyden, E. S. Precision calcium imaging of dense neural populations via a cell body-targeted calcium indicator. Neuron (In press).


Piatkevich, K.D., Bensussen, S., Tseng H.A., Shroff, S.N., Lopez-Huerta, V.G., Park, D., Shemesh, O.A., Straub, C., Gritton, H.J., Romano, M.F., Costa, E., Sabatini, B.L., Fu, Z., Boyden, E.S., Han, X. Population imaging of neural activity in awake behaving mice. Nature 2019;574(7778):413-417.


Romano, M., Bucklin, M., Mehrotra, D.R., Kessel, R., Gritton. H., Han, X. A Teensy microcontroller-based interface for optical imaging camera control during behavioral experiments. J Neurosci Methods 2019;320:107-115.


Gritton, H.*, Howe, M.*, Romano, M.*,  DiFeliceantonio, A.G., Kramer, M.A., Saligrama, V., Bucklin, M.E., Zemel, D., Han, X. Unique contributions of parvalbumin and cholinergic interneurons in organizing striatal networks during movement. Nat Neurosci 2019;22(4):586-597. *Authors contributed equally


Pittman?Polletta, B. R., Quach, A., Mohammed, A. I., Romano, M., Kondabolu, K., Kopell, N. J., Han, X. and McCarthy, M. M. Striatal cholinergic receptor activation causes a rapid, selective and state?dependent rise in cortico?striatal ? activity. Eur J Neurosci 2018;48:2857-2868.


Paidas, M.J., Annunziato, J., Romano, M., Weiss, L., Or, R., Barnea, E.R.. Pregnancy and Multiple Sclerosis (MS): A beneficial association. Possible therapeutic application of embryo-specific Pre-implantation Factor (PIF). Am J Reprod Immunol 2012;68(6):456-64.


Paidas, M.J., Krikun, G., Huang, S.J., Jones, R., Romano, M., Annunziato, J., Barnea, E.R.. A genomic and proteomic investigation of the impact of preimplantation factor on human decidual cells. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2010;202:459.e1-8.


Sasson, I., Triche, E.W., Azpurua, H., Romano, M., Paidas, M.. Short cervix and negative fetal fibronectin: low risk of delivery within 2 weeks of screening. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008;199:6, s49.


Extracurricular interests/volunteering


Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, Boston, MA, April 2020

-Transported and delivered supplies needed for homeless persons to construct face masks to protect from COVID-19


CALM (Cuddling Assists in Lowering Maternal and Infant Stress), Boston Medical Center, February-May 2019

Provided care for infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome


Volunteer with International Nursing Incorporated, Cotui, Dominican Republic, January 2016

Volunteered as medical student to see patients with no or limited access to healthcare in the Dominican Republic


Volunteer at Museum of Science for Brain Awareness Week, Museum of Science, Boston, MA, March 2015/March 2016

Ran informational booths at the Museum of Science to educate and expose children to the world of brain science



-Meditation, yoga, programming, statistics and machine learning, reading (philosophy, psychoanalysis)