Gall, Guile, Gumption, and Guts.

The Common Vein Copyright 2008

Ashley Davidoff MD

Your little soul seems to have stirred more spirit in

The bubble bubble toil and trouble of culture

Than it has in the stirring of lipids in the gut

The mechanisms by which you function are glorious

And you concentrate and store

A golden colored fluid that looks like a yellowing to green virgin olive oil,

Colored fluid that looks like a yellowing to green virgin olive oil
Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2018

And your flow is controlled by unique mechanisms of the

Juice gates and  sluice gates of sludge


Juice Gates and Sluice Gates Controlling the Flow of Bile and Pancreatic Juices
Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2018

And the way the bile flows up

Your beautiful spiral valves of Heister

Were an unrecognized lesson for the waterscrews of Nebuchadnezzar and the Eureka! man


The Ductal Systems including the bile ducts, cystic duct and the pancreatic duct

The Spiral Valve of Heister and Archimedes
The design of the water screw has been attributed to Archimedes from 3rd century BC though some designate the originator of the screw to be Nebuchadnezzar II of 7th century BC who purportedly used the screw to deliver water to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Water at a low level is scooped up into the spiral mechanism. As the screw rotates, the water advances upward and gets delivered to a higher level until it finally reaches its destination and is delivered to a repository.
Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2018

And of course you provide the yellow color for sludge and sewerage

Not a great attribute I know

But nevertheless a function to rid our body of bili waste

Yet somehow when the surgeon’s laparoscopic knife,

Snuffs out your fire

The body seems no worse for the loss.

This seems so odd to me, since I trust the value of what is natural

And what has evolved with the wisdom of time

Maybe you were not designed to receive the diets of the day,

And your doom is a stone throw away from extinction

But that story will not come in my lifetime – and perhaps not for the next few thousand

And perhaps even …. not at all

Since we may in fact in the science of the day

Be ignorant of your true secrets.

So I will sing to the stories of your glory Hallelujah!

Or rather as the house of the fluid that stirred the story

As you excited innumerable cultures

Sometimes a part of a deity,

Sometimes as a vital force of the body, and

Sometimes  with your gall, guile, gumption, and guts.

We start in Babylon a mere 3000 years ago

When you were a part of a godly soul – the liver

Who was seen as the deity who would predict the outcome of war

And you stood there in all your glory

A pouch of green fluid in the sheep’s warm, wet, and bloodied liver of sacrifice

And you spread your hepatoscopic influence under the godly protection of your mother organ to the

Etruscans, Greeks and even into Ezekiel 21:21.


In the Chinese Culture of Qi

You are the Yang of judgment and courage

What noble attributes you are afforded!

In the Judaic culture they called you mererah by your bitter taste –

And in in Jeremiah 9:1 and Deutoronomy 29:18

You are paired with wormwood as something bitter and undesirable

While the the Greeks and Aristotle especially

Studied you in nature and found you were missing in certain species

Including the dove, deer, and horse

And above this you were given the honor of producing a humor of Hippocrates


Humoral Theory of Ancient Greece
The physical elements of water fire earth and air with their correlative body elements of phlegm, yellow bile, blood, and black bile corresponding to physical elements of hot cold wet and dry were used to try and explain the human condition in health and disease. A balance of the body fluids related to health and an imbalance to disease. Imbalances were thought to be caused by external elements such as aberrant diet or activity.
Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2018

One of the four that drove the body

To balance or imbalance, and to health or disease

You produced the yellow bile while your neighbour the spleen produced it in black

And when the balance shifted to yellow, melancholy was the order of the day

And when it was black – one had better stay back

Cause ’twas, the choleric nature that came to the fore.

Hippocrates and Galen on the Humoral Theory
Heat plays a central role part in the theory of Galen. The three ?faculties? of the body are the nutritive, vital and logical faculties. The nutritive faculty is related to the stomach which “cooks” the food and converts it into chyle. The chyle is transported to the liver by the portal vein. In the liver further heat converts the food into blood and adds natural spirit. Some of the blood is transported via the veins to the heart where more heat is added to create vital spirit. The blood becomes thinner is distributed to the body by the arteries giving warmth and enables growth. The vital spirit is measured through the pulse. The brain adds psychic pneuma, which provides the rational and logical faculty in the form of thought will and choice. These are distributed to the body via the nerves. The logical faculty reigns supreme and is followed in orderof importance by the vital and nutrtive faculties. The transport systems of the body include the nerves which transmit the logical faculty, the arteries which transport the vital spirit, and the veins which transport the blood with nutritive faculty from the liver. Galen faculties of the body nutrition portal vein stomach liver vein heart vital faculty pneuma lungs brain logical faculty animal spirits
Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2018

In addition you were thought to represent the element of earth

With a  quality that was cold and dry

And not only that….

You gave character to the person

In the form of  gluttonous, introspective, and sentimental behaviour

Who knows where all this came from?

But it was used for hundreds of years

Even as we turned from BC to AD

And even by the doctors of kings

Galen himself

Who saw you as protector of the liver and a source of emotion

Then came Paracelsus with his hermetical ideas of harmony

The seven in the sky aligned with seven of the earth aligned with seven in the body

And you were aligned with Mars in the sky and and iron on the earth

In all fairness however, the world became a little better,

As he  started the move away from the humors

And finally toward other chemistry

 Vesalius learned you from the source

As his studies of anatomy Fabrica 5

Were real and true

And then da Vinci as well as Harvey appreciated your gracile and pear like form

When it came to literature “claw us on the gall” by Chaucer meant add insult to injury

While he used honey and gall as opposites of taste

And the “gall of the dragon” was to be an extreme punishment.

Shakespeare explored, used and exposed you in so many  rich ways

In his ” “let the galled jade wince,”  “gall a new healed wound,”  “but the gout galls the one, and the pox pinches the other.”

 Irritation is the order of the day

“Some galled goose of winchester would hiss,” and “‘twould be my tyranny to strike and gall them, “, and ” as fearfully doth a galled rock.”

Seem like an advanced form of irritation and perhaps an implication of  anger

“Let there be gall enough in thy ink”

Reveals his knowledge of the use of oak galls  in the creation of purple black ink

“But I am pigeon-liver’d and lack gall”

Reveals his knowledge of the lack of the gall bladder in pigeons and his familiarity with the work of Aristotle

(Even when an ogle on Google was not around )

And then “and take my milk for gall you murdering ministers”

As lady Macbeth describes the prejudice of the day

With her desire to unsex herself

And the differences between man and woman

The one for bitter boldness and the other maternal comfort

The Zulus of South Africa are a proud and feared nation

And they have as their medicinal and spiritual leader

the Sangoma

Who wears a headress with the garnered gallbladders of goats

Symbolising and elevating the organ as a  receiver and giver of life

Just like its counterpart the uterus

Which has similar pear like shape and spiritual function.

The Sangoma or Zulu witchdoctor with a headress that contains the gallbladders of goats.
For the Zulu nation the gallbladder has symbolic meaning. Since they both are pear shaped and since the uterus is the receiver and giver of life, it is the belief that the gallbladder has similar function, and hence the respect it is paid.
Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2018

And so we turn back to the advancement of science

And the time in 1733 when Louis Petit suggested we remove the stone of affliction

And when Carl Langenbuch in 1882 did just that

And we futzed many years later with the fuzzy technology of gallbladder  lithotripsy and Urso

Only to come up with a better laparoscopic solution 100 years after Langenbuch

The waves of sound brought great things in detection,

And found that about 1 in 8 who ate the western diet

Suffered the fate of the state of a gallbladdder with stone


Acute Cholecystitis
A stone is impacted in the cystic duct causing obstruction of the gallbladder which continues to distend resulting in distension of the gallbladder, with subsequent infection and ischemic compression on the walls. Acute cholecystitis with right upper quadrant pain ensues.
Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2018

And the percutaneous drainage under the eyes and guise of sound waves

Was a also great advance in the very sick

Yet we come back to the question as to why you are around?

A question and answer yet to be found –


But after a lot of fun and games through history and literature

We can only hail you O bladder of Gall

As the source of gall, guile, gumption, and guts.



Aristotle History of animals Doves have no gallbladders and they are emblems of guilessness