Of the Beth of Beshallach


02 /07 /98

Ashley Davidoff


The beth of beshallach is the same

Beth of the bereshith of creation

Beshallach is the ongoing story of creation and

It is the evolution of early maturation

Of a chosen seedling nation

When you look at the beth

It has the whole story within it

The dagesh as a seed

Has been housed in the

Bayeth of bondage

With its roof, floor, and back wall tightly sealed

And its forward side wide open

Open to freedom and maturation

And to a big wide and frightening world

Which has a road to something, somewhere

?         we know not what

?         In this story the road leads to the promised land


Each of us is commanded in the Haggadah

Bechol dor vador                                  in every generation

Chayav adam                                       every person is obliged

Lirot et utzmo                                      to look at himself

Ki iloo hoo yatzah mimitzraim    as if he went out of Egypt

Lo et avoteinu                           it was not only our forefathers

bilvad gaal                                            alone who were redeemed

Ela af otanu gaal imahem                       but we were redeemed with them

To experience redemption

To relive the experience as if


That is

You and I, were there

Is of supreme importance

So that the generations can be linked

Across millennia

So that time can appear as if it were fluid and in a continuum

So that the final destination ?the

Messianic era can be comprehended

I know the importance of this commandment

But I have always the greatest difficulty

Feeling and empathizing its depth

Troughthis parsha however

I have reached some insights

Put ourselves as a dagesh in our mothers womb

While we are but a seedling

And all our cells contain the genetic makeup

Of everybody who came before us

And we feed and we multiply

And our cells reach a critical number

And when we are ripe- and we have no idea of when we are ripe-

But it comes at about 40 weeks

There is a spitting of the waters

The beth opens its side and

We battle our way through the

Birth canaldirected by

Timely forces that are beyond us

With a crash and a bang

A guiding shove and a push

Severance of the cord and we attain

Final and complete freedom-

(no way going back)

only to find ourselves on wide open spaces, dry and dangerous land

and we cry out for food and water

and we receive mana from mama and the

nurture protection and guidance of loving parents

and we are on the road to something, somewhere-

at that time

we knew not what


the parallels with our story are astounding

In Beshallach our infant nation gains its

Final and complete independence from its 400  year old

Amniotic hold in Egypt

It was no doubt a symbiotic relationship

Controlled by the Egyptians

But we were at leastfed, allowing us to

Survive and


So that our numbers could accumulate to a critical mass

To transform us from a family into a

Nation of a ripe 2 million-

There is a splitting of the waters

The beth opens its side and

We battle our way through the

Yam Suf directed by

Timely forces that are beyond us

With a crash and a bang

A guiding shove and a push

Severance of the cord and we attain

Final and complete freedom-

(no way of going back)

only to find ourselves on wide open, dry and dangerous land

and we cry out for food and water

and mana comes from

I am because I am

Am am backward = mama

We on the other hand

Cannot be because we are

We have to deal with the elements of

Time survival, and faith that are central to


But more importantly we have to raise the question

And get some perspective of our

Final destiny

At 18 we thought we were ripe and knew where we were going-

Did we understand how much we had still to learn and see?

Do you remember your need to extricate yourselves from parental hold

And how hard it was for your parents to let go

Otr for you as parents to let go

At 24 I distinctly remember feeling a need for my own

Exodus out of the warmth of my home in South Africa

To the cold unloving wide world of North America ? a sense of freedom

That was mixed with many months of wanting to crawl back into the

Warmth of my home and youth

And at 30 and 40 and 50 the same feelings exist

At 75 and 80 we may have final insight into ourselves but

On the other hand we may not

And more so

What do we know of the

Cycle and destiny of our nation?-

What a humbling Parsha


Before my conclusion I want to walk through the symbols of the parsha which reflect the themes of time survival and faith


Firstly TIME

?Vayehi? isolated and complete                                                           and it came to pass

with yuds and hays of haya                                                                    and it was

And of yiheye                                                                                       and it will be

And the yud hay vav hay                                                                       of divine intervention

And the vav of                                                                          connectivity

Seeming to be a matter of time, connectivity, and the presence of God

Time seems to come in multiples and moments of

40 (or derivatives thereof)

                        it took Moses 40 days and nights on Har Sinai

there is a 40 week gestation

there wer e400 years of gestational slavery

there were 40 years for the aging of the slave nation in the desert

the same 40 years for the maturation of a new and free generation

it took me 40 days and nights to prepare this parsha

and 40 years to begin to understand it

A 10 day trip or 40 year trip?

Through the land of Plishtim and of blood and war or a

Meandering tour of the safer dry wilderness?

The answer

13:18  ?derech hamidbar yam suph?      ? the 40 year trip by way of the desert sea of Reeds

shirat hayam

gives us

adonai yimloch leolam vaed                               God in time is forever

and Beshallach ends

L?dor Vador                                                     from generation to generation



The elements of survival and the duality have strong symbols in this parsha

Water plays a big part on this trip

            Moshe ?because I drew you out of the ?water?

Survived in the water

In a basket of reeds

And leads the children through the wter

Via the sea of reeds

Velo matzo mayim                                and they did not find water

Mayim mimara

Kiy marim haim                                    the first waters from town called ?Bitterness?

                                                            Well ?..it was bitter

Vayimtakoo hamayim                           Moses threw a piece of wood at the water

and it became sweet

Water is used as a sustence but also as a weapon of death

And you will be surprised  sometimes because this water of sustenance will come from the driest sources ? right from the middle of the rock


Vehikita vatzur                          and you will strike the rock

ve yatzoo memenu mayim                     and water will issue from it

Rocks feature strongly in this Parsha as well

Rocks may sink right to the bottom of the water


yardoo bimtzolot

kemo even                                            they went down like  a stone

                                                            and Moses cried out to God

                                                            what will I do with this people

                                                            befor long they will stone me

and they may be used as a weapon of injury



vaytzak Moshe el adonai                       and Moses cried out to God

muh e eseh laam                                   what will I do with this people

od me ?at oos kalooni                          before long they will stone me



but at other times they ? the rock will sustain you


viyday Moshe kvaydim

vayikchoo even

vayasiymoo tachtav

                                                            and the hands of Moses grew heavy

                                                            so they took a rock

and they put it under him

and if you pay special attention you may see my

            ten easy and essential ways to live your life

            written on two rocks

but sometimes the rocks will come as sand

and this sand may be a safe way to lead you

through the water


halchoo bayabasha betoch hayam                     walk on dry ground right through the sea

it may on the other hand

            act as a trap for the wheels of the chariots



The need for food for survival comes as mana from heaven

Kol hakahal haze bera-av

                                                                        This whole congregation was starving

Hinani mamtir lachem lechem

Min hashamaim                                     I will rain down food from the sky

And each day they will collect a portion for one day

Ish lephi ochlo                                                  each according to his need

And on the sixth day

Yilkatoo yom yom

                                                                        You shall gather for two days

            Mana from heaven

            When I hear this phrase I always want to start singing

            ?Pennies from Heaven? by Bing Crosby ? 1936

or its modern equivalent

Its raining men

Or Barneys versionof

?If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops

The idea of taking just what you need every day but for the

Sixth when you shall gather for two days

Is beautiful idea to aspire to

If only we could practice that today

Lastly relating to survival and duality

            Are the battles of our lives

The hands up hands down

Of the ups and downs of physical survival

With the Amaleks of the world?



            Symbopls of faith

                        God knows how tough this one is and there is no shortage of

                        Miracles in BeShallach

The dark cloud with its guiding light

Splitting the sea

Splitting the rock

Sweet water from bitter


And hands up hands down ? all closely linked to survival

And so we sit around the seder table and we wander ?

Wonder when the food is coming


Wander why and

Especially how we can

Fulfil the obligation

Bechol dor vador                      in every generation

Chayav Adam                          every person is obligated

Lirot et utzmo                           to look at himself

Ki iloo hoo yatzeh mimitzraim    as if he went out of Egypt

Lo et Avoteinu bilvad gaal                     Not only our forefathers alone

                                                            Who were redeemed

Ela af otanu gaal imahem                       but we were redeemed with them

Imagine yourself as a

Dagesh in the beth, and try and

Telescope and contract time

So that the past can in a moment in time be the present

?Vayehiy?  the first word of the PArsha

bring late parents into the beth

for one more smile and a comforting hug

bring never seen grandparents into the

warmth of this bethfor a hug and a kiss never felt

bring victims of Nazi germany in for a moment of comfort in exchange for their terrible petrified final moments

bring in the maccabees and David and Joshua, Deborah, Noah, Sarah and Abraham

and of course Moses

ointo our warm beth ? all together

and now that we have linked the past and present

look to open the door of Beth with Eliahu in attendance

and look toward the final destination far in the distance

experience the path of the Israelites and bring this experience into the beth of a single moment

and by doing this we may have a chance

to see our final destiny ? the Messianic era

to comprehend what it is all about

The Messianic era seems to be our destination our destiny and our redemption