Copyright 2009
Who Knows One
Who knows one?
I know one
I know you and me can be one
I know many people can be one
I know the world can be one
I know one is any number between zero and infinity to the power zero
I know to know one
One must know zero
Who knows zero?
I know only part of zero
I know we need to get to the power of zero be one
How do we get to the power of Zero?
That is the answer I do not know
But I have some thoughts of how
Zero abuse of power
Zero malice to others
Zero greed
Zero fear
Zero waste
This is my version of the Shema that I recite twice a day
Leb Ben Nechemia Hacohen
Eric the essence of all that is good is in the first line of the Shema. The rest of the tanach is to keep the masses from revolt and worshiping the golden calf. Long ago while in Paris and working for a large mutinational as a big shot I gave up on the golden calf. I have been in revolt since but as I age I am learning revolt is just as worthless as the golden calf. Now that am trying to understand and live by the power of zero very simple sentences like the ?Lord is One? mean more to me. Just started staring at One and realized it is Eno spelled backwards. If you don?t get One correct you can wind up with perpetual dispepsia.
Pursuing 1 and 0