Uncategorized The Head and Faces of RadiologyAshleyDavidoff Seasons of Biliary BonsaiAshley Davidoff MDTheCommonVein.netArt of Radiology FracturesAshley Davidoff Doppler of the CarotidsAshley Davidoff Doppler of the CarotidsAshley Davidoff The Evolution of A New Songby Ashley Davidoff A Page from the Story of the BrainThe rendering of a MRA (MRI angiogram) of the brain is combined with an MRA of the carotid arteries to form the image of the flower of the brain. These are placed in a collage of similar images of different color resulting in an interesting and attractive repetitive pattern. The title suggests that the collage reflects an evolving story of the brain.by Ashley Davidoff MD Bones of the Chest Abdomen and PelvisAshley Davidoff HandsAshley Davidoff FeetAshley Davidoff Feet in ColorAshley Davidoff Functionality of the HandAshley Davidoff