Fractures of the Halloween Witch
Ashley Davidoff


Skull and Cross Bone
Ashley Davidoff
Halloween Pumpkin Walk
Ashley Davidoff
Is there a Ghost in the Kidney?
The pyelographic ? excretory phase of the left kidney shows a tubular lucency representing the extrinsic effect of crossing vessel
Ashley Davidoff MD 133297.kidney
Is there a Halloween Pumpkin in the TB cavity in the lung?
Ashley Davidoff MD
Skull Held by the Hands of the Ureters
Excretory phase of a urogram in a child showing large filling defects in the bladder. The diagnosis in this age group is most likely rhabdomyosarcoma of the bladder.  From a pareidolia perspective it reminiscent of a skull
Ashley Davidoff MD The
Is there a Ghost in the Lung?
Cavitating squamous cell carcinoma of the right lower lobe of the lungs has ghost like morphological features
Ashley Davidoff MD