Pear Shape

Pear Shaped Structures of the Body
Top right Female Body
Top left – Uterus
Bottom right Gallbladder
Bottom left Pyriform sinus
Ashley Davidoff MD
Food in the Body and Shapes of the Body
Art of Radiology
Female Pear Shape
Ashley Davidoff MD
Art of Radiology
CT surface rendering
Female Pear Shape
Now and 25-30,000 years ago
Courtesy Don Hitchcock

Apple Core

Apple Core Lesion in the Colon
Double contrast barium enema shows a focal narrowing of the lumen (a, outlined in green in b and surrounded by tumor in c). At the inferior and superior aspects of the narrowing there is heaping up of the surrounding tumor. Image shows an appl core with the green in d representing the lumen. Image f is a gross pathology specimen showing the ?apple core? appearance with luminal narrowing surrounded by tumor
Ashley Davidoff MD
Food in the Body and Signs in Radiology
Art of Radiology

Almond – Amygdala

Amygdala in the Brain
brain cerebrum cerebral normal amygdala amygdaloid emotion shape almond normal anatomy MRI T1 weighted sagittal projection Davidoff MD
An Almond
The name amygdala is derived from the Greek word amygdale, meaning ?almond,?
Ashley Davidoff MD