Art of Radiology web site
Ashley Davidoff MD
Art of Radiology

The Facts are

1- All radiologists love images

2- There is art in all the images we review

How do we find the art in Anatomy and Radiology ?

We just have to look at our images from a different perspective


Purpose of the Presentation

    • provide another perspective of looking at radiological images
    • to demonstrate techniques of creating art from radiological images
  • Why?
    • to enable other Radiologists to find the art in the images with which they spend so much time,
    • to enable Radiologists who are not “artists” to  create artistic renderings.
    • because
      • creativity is crucial for a fulfilling life, and therefore
      • an essential component of wellness.

Native Image Obstructed Biliary Tree

Seasons of Biliary Bonsai

Seasons of Biliary Bonsai

Adding Color to Black and White Image

Seasons of Biliary Bonsai

Seasonal colors were added to the obstructed biliary tree imaged with MRCP.  Pink represents the spring, green the summer, brown the fall and white the winter.  Enhancing the black and white native image with color is an easy manipulation enabling all radiologists to become ?artists?  Add a little color, create a story around the new image ? and creativity is born.

Aortic Dance

Adding a Second Image and Then Color

Aortic Dance
Ashley Davidoff

This is also an easy one, since almost everything is in place and just a bit of color needs to be added. Legs and arms are already present, and the calcified plaques fit as parts of the face (sort of).  The 2 stents on the green dancer become sleeves of the shirt, and the aneurysm on the yellow dancer becomes a small belly.  Finally, tortuosity creates the movement of the dancers.

Mother and Child Fleeing Ukraine in the Middle of the Night

Not only the art of shapes and color but adding a story and or an emotional element

Mother and Child Fleeing Ukraine in the Middle of the Night
Ashley Davidoff MD
CT Scan
Art of Radiology

MRI and the Big Toe

Native Image of an MRI of the Foot

Thumbs Up
Native Image of an MRI of the Foot

Thumbs Up Bird Family

One Image – MRI of the Foot – Multiply by 7 – Change Size, Add Elements – (beaks and eyes) – add color


Thumbs Up Bird Family
Original is from an MRI of a Foot
The fledglings reflect the original image
Ashley Davidoff

The coronal MRI of the foot leaves the big toe exposed.  The toenail becomes part of the face of all the members of the family enabling  genetics to play its role.  The bird parents are given beaks and color.  The colorless ?footlings? trail behind, and their cuteness provides an emotional element.

Native Image of the Anterior Chest Wall of a Female

Perspective – Head of a Maiden

Anterior Female Chest
Drapes of Clothing manifest as hair on the soft tissues of the breast appear as the head and eye of a maiden
Ashley Davidoff MD
Coronal CT

Duplicate – and it becomes  two maidens who do not want to talk to each other

Duplication and 1st Level Fractal
Ashley Davidoff MD

Elongate and reorient   – and it becomes  two maidens who do want to talk to each other

Change orientation
Ashley Davidoff MD
CT Coronal Chest and Abdomen
Art of Radiology

 Add Color and Other People and the story and the art piece changes

People in Conversation
High Pass Filter
Ashley Davidoff MD
CT Coronal Chest and Abdomen
Art of Radiology Adobe PS Filters

Cedars of Sternum Along the River

Isolate the sternum, turn upside down, paint tree, duplicate many times, change size, and organize to give perspective,  digitally “paint” river, sun and earth

The Cedars of Sternum Along the River
Ashley Davidoff
Derivation of The Cedars of Sternum Along the River
Ashley Davidoff

Branching shape of the sternum on CT was used to create the trunk of the Cedars. The rest of the river view was created with slightly more intricate digital rendering, but well within the capability of the members of a discipline who work intimately with computers all the time.

More Complex



Anterior Coronal Image
Shows metallic buttons and clothing
Ashley Davidoff MD
CT Coronal Chest and Abdomen
Art of Radiology
Image Turned Upside Down
Clothing starts to look like a cows head
CT Coronal Chest and Abdomen
Art of Radiology
Abdominal Wall Excluded
CT Coronal Chest and Abdomen
Art of Radiology
How Now Yellow Cow?
Image Saturated, Inverted and color changed, high density spots removed and eyes added
Ashley Davidoff MD
CT Coronal Chest and Abdomen
Art of Radiology
Units to Unity
The Body is Made of Organs and Family is Made of People and the Families Make Up Our Community
Ashley Davidoff MD
Art of medicine
Art of Radiology
 X-rays CT scans MRI’s 
36″ x 24″

Social Messages

Radiology depends on black and white.  One without the other is meaningless

Radiology Depends on Black and White
1. Why did you create this piece? The whole is bigger than the parts and anatomy and physiology teach us how this works in the body as well as in radiology
2. What was your inspiration? The current racial tensions in our country
3. What does this piece mean to you as a radiologist/artist?
In radiology we need the black and the white and all the shades in between in order for us to understand and interpret the image.
Ashley Davidoff

Kick the Habit or Kick the Bucket

Kick the Habit or Kick the Bucket
by Ashley Davidoff MD