The Leaves and Oneness

Travel Deep Inside a Leaf – California Academy of Sciences

(Thanks Colette Brownell for posting this!)

Egrets Dancing in the Air.
Courtesy J. Michael Povey

Nature is impersonal, awe-inspiring, elegant, eternal. It’s geometrically perfect. It’s tiny and gigantic. You can travel far to be in a beautiful natural setting, or you can observe it in your backyard – or, in my case, in the trees lining New York City sidewalks, or in the clouds above skyscrapers.

Gretchen Rubin Wiki

from Earths Wonders

BBC Science News

A spectacular starling murmuration in Wales…

Video © Cat Peters

The Ardennes Draft Horse is considered one of the oldest breeds of draft horse, and is believed to be a direct descendent of the prehistoric ?Solutre Horse.

The Ardennes Draft Horse is considered one of the oldest breeds of draft horse, and is believed to be a direct descendent of the prehistoric ?Solutre Horse.  

Pictures in History

Human’s Musics 1 hour movie Drone Imaging and by Yann Arthus Bertrand (Wiki)  and    Wiki Story of the Movie



TCV and Nature

Ashley DAvidoff MD 

Copyright The Common Vein 2014

?Nature  teaches many lessons?


Davidoff Art Copyright 2014

Gain a perspective ?  a place from which to look at nature, learn to look, and you will stand in awe.

The parts that make the whole?the bonds that bring the parts together to make the whole?.the whole  that has a new energy but also a new yearning for wholeness.

Parts in nature include the cells, tissues, flowers leaves trunks, and roots.

The stems are the bonds of the flowers to their roots while the branches and trunks of the tree give the leaves access to the air above and the roots below, and in so doing connect them through the earth with the flower.

When you walk in the peace and silence of the forest you can sense the feeling of Oneness.

Nature and The Common Vein

Units, bonds and driving forces in the context of space and time are part of nature and the world around us.

Nature and the earth is in us and all around us.  The heavens with the clouds and rain are coneccted to the oceans and the rivers, which connect to the fruits of the earth through the trees and  flowers, which are connected to each other via the roots in the earth.

Units bonds and driving force for wholeness

The Bricks of Biology Cells Leaves and the Tree

Davidoff Art Copyright 2014

The Petals Bonded at the Base with Stamens and Pistils ? Wholeness

Davidoff Art Copyright 2014

Tree leaves, Branches, Roots, Earth, Sky

Davidoff Art Copyright 2014

And they Start to Build to One

Davidoff Art Copyright 2014

Bonds of Nature The Rivers That Run Through and Connect

Davidoff Art Copyright 2014

Rivers into the Ocean Connecting and Bonding Nature

Davidoff Art Copyright 2014

Water Mist Sky 

Davidoff Art Copyright 2014

Mist in the Clouds in the Sky

Davidoff Art Copyright 2014

The Unit of Nature in Wholeness

Davidoff Art Copyright 2014