The Common Vein Copyright 2009

Capsule of the Uterus

uterus is covered by peritoneum anteriorly and posteriorly to the level of the isthmus


The Peritoneal Covering of the Uterus

This diagram in the sagittal plane illustrates the peritoneal covering (light ourple lining) of the uterus reflected posteriorly off the rectum in the region of the fornix of the vagina creating a pouch called the recto-uterine pouch (aka cul de sac. pouch of Douglas recto-vaginal pouch Ehrhardt-Cole recess) This pouch is very important because it is the most posterior and inferior space of the peritoneal cavity and in the supine or upright position it will be the region where fluid will first accumulate. Anteriorly the peritoneal reflection is not as deep but a pouch is also formed called the uterovesical (aka vesico-uterine) pouch

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2010 All rights reserved  14707.2kb04i06.s.4ke06b02Lb.81h.8s

View from the Cul de Sac

The diagram shows the peritoneal covering of the posterior aspect of the uterus and the intraperitoneal location of the ovaries The broad ligament contains the round ligament (superior band), the Fallopian tube, )mauve) and the ovarian ligament. Within the broad ligament the uterine/ovarian artery runs , uterine/ovarian vein lymphatics and nerves.

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2010 All rights reserved 04766b05b04.52kd01d15.8s