The Common Vein copyright 2010

In the beginning of a single life, one can only imagine a void, with the raw materials of biology, waiting to evolve with this potential life.  I have chosen to represent this time with the greens and blues that make up our earth and our heavens, with the light of the stars moon and sun shining between.

In the Beginning – Time 0 – The Raw materials

The greens of the earth, the blues of water and our heavens, and the light of the sun shine through.  13275b01i01e01.800 Davidoff oneness


Two opposite forces are needed to bring the life about.  82835p.800 Davidoff art

Close to a New Beginning

13275b01i01e12u08 Davidoff oneness

Conception and the Spark of Life

13275a12.800 time heaven earth sea nature void TCV Oneness units to unity soul conception sperm

Size of the Uterus Over Time

The sagittal diagram of the uterus and vagina through time shows an anteverted uterus at birth, through youth as it slowly matures and enlarges, entering spring as it reaches maturity, summer time when it bears fruit, and then through fall as it starts to involute in the postmenopausal period, and finally in its winter when it shrivels. In this view the uterus vagina, and the internal cavity starting in the endometrial cavity, coursing through the cervix and then into the collapsed vaginal cavity is exemplified.

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2010 All rights reserved  96268b.51kc02L.8s


Conception – Watercolor

82849p.800  Davidoff art


Division after Division Multiplication to a Unit
Units to unity – a blastocyst  is formed

13275b01i01e01b03   Davidoff oneness

A fetus evolves

13275b01i05e01 Davidoff oneness

Fetus Formed MRI

46701 abdomen pregnancy fetus baby head brain lungs foot knee amniotic cavity amniotic fluid normal anatomy physiology MRI T2 weighted Davidoff MD


06049pb.8s Peru people Indian man woman hats baby family piggy back hat colorful Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved


0004p Johannesburg South Africa Courtesy Ashley Davidoff Davidoff biography

Youth in a Red Waistcoat 

82719p Davidoff art 

82838p.800 Man TCV Davidoff art

Evolving Knowledge
13275b02i03s01.800b01  Davidoff Oneness

13275b05i02.800b03  Evolving knowledge man framework organization TCV Davidoff Oneness

Aging Body

Legs and feet seated at a bench in Quincy market in downtown Boston Massachusetts. – What story can you tell? Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD. 02012p code foot accessory interesting vein varicose age time elderly shoe Davidoff photography

Circles and cycles
67058 interesting accessory laboratory factory Edison New Jersey machinery Courtesy of Ashley Davidoff MD Davidoff photography Edison New Jersey


Sculpture museum in Washington DC 10197.800 interesting accessory Courtesy of Ashley Davidoff MD Davidoff photography TCV time cycles



We are Going and You are Coming

The top row of images from left to right reflect, A-P examination of the immature lumbar spine of very young patient, juxtaposed with the lateral examination of a normal thoracic of a normal young adult and lastly the lateral examination of a severely kyphotic elderly patient. The photograph was taken in Italy showing ages ranging from the youngest child in a stroller perhaps 2 years in age, her brother of about 5 or 6, their mother in her late twenties or early thirties and an elderly couple both suffering from the wraths of aging bones – osteoporosis and severe kyphosis. (the kyphosis couple)

Ashley Davidoff Copyright 2011 75578c01.8s



A Cancer Cell – Aberrant Sense of Time

The image represents the life of a single set of columnar cells showing a progressioon of generations as the cell lives dies and is regenerated. The orange secretions of the cell are seen in the background of the pink cytoplasm and the purple nucleus. The nucleus of the newesest generation and cell is seen as a clock that has become distorted and time has become disordered. This process is abnormal and is a forerunner of a malignant process.

histology time malignancy cancer columnar cell histopathology Davidoff art copyright 2009 all rights reserved  85198j03s.81s