• Symbolizes
    • spiritual and
    • emotional essence
    • love,
    • Christianity
      • Sacred Heart, often wrapped in a crown of thorns
      • on the chest of Christ.
    • Egyptian Culture
      • weighing the heart
      • Weighing the heart: The heart played a fundamental part in Ancient Egyptian beliefs. In the Hall of Judgment the heart of the deceased was weighed against an ostrich feather of Ma?at, goddess of truth and justice.
        media.com Sam Azgor
        Signs & Symbols of Human Body

        The winged heart: The winged heart, meaning ascension, is a symbol of the Sufi movement, ovement, a mystic branch of Islam. It indicates
        in that the heart is between soul and body, a medium between spirit and matter.
        media.com Sam Azgor
        Signs & Symbols of Human Body

      • The winged heart: The winged heart, meaning ascension, is a symbol of the Sufi movement, ovement, a mystic branch of Islam. It indicatesin that the heart is between soul and body, a medium between spirit and matter.
      • web-signs-and-symbols-033.jpg

        Human sacrifice as shown in the Codex Magliabechiano, Folio 70. Heart-extraction was viewed as a means of liberating the Istli and reuniting it with the Sun: the victim’s transformed heart flies Sun-ward on a trail of blood