Blood Supply – Splenic Artery

The tortuous splenic artery arises from the celiac axis and passes retroperitoneally along the upper border of the pancreas in the posterior wall of the lesser sac, anterior to the left kidney The splenic artery continues laterally between the layers of the splenorenal ligament to the spleen, dividing into 4-6 terminal branches entering the hilum The first major branch to the spleen, the superior polar artery, occurs within 2-3 cm of the splenic hilum and supplies the upper splenic pole.1 The spleen also derives a portion of its blood supply from branches of the left gastroepiploic artery and the short gastric arteries running in the splenogastric

ligament.2 The branches of the splenic artery supply the individual elements of the spleen as end arteries; that is, there are no anastomoses between the small branches of the splenic arteries The terminal branches of the splenic artery continue in the trabeculae as trabecular arteries (which send branches directly into the white pulp called central arteries)


Moray Eels – Serpiginous

83076.800 eels biology serpiginous snake like shape anatomy the common vein applied biology zoology applied anatomy Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD

Serpiginous Spenic Artery

04953 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD pancreas blood supply splenic artery hepatic artery capillary phase normal anatomy angiogram spleen liver hepatic artery angiogram

Straightening of the Splenic Artery Caused by Adrenal Hemorrhage

39829 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD code pancreas 39k pancreatic artery blood supply dorsal pancreatic artery pancreatica magna transverse pancreatic artery splenic artery imaging radiology angiography