Uncategorized The MarriageStone and Tree TrunkAshley Davidoff Lovers in the WoodsAcknowledging the Art in the Shapes of NatureAshley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net The ChoirThe sculpture consists of vertical stones that represent the bodies of members of the group which in this case are reminiscent of a choir. The bodies are toppped with different colored glass and semiprecious stones that give individuality and uniqueness to each member of the group. The group is led by a master who wears a garment of white crystal that faces the audience, but his front side is made of the same material as the members of his group. The group is organized in a semi circle and size is graded from small in front to large in the back. This is done to provide a sense of oneness to the whole that is made of unique individuals. The units to unity concept could just as well have been the organelles of th cell, the notes of a music piece, the letters of the word or the brush strokes a painting coming together in exquisite harmony.code units to unity choir cell power of the group importance of individual Davidoff art sculpture stone marble mineral glass Ashley Davidoff art copyright 2009 all rights reserved 90768pbb.8sAshley Davidoff The ChoirAshley Davidoff The ChoirAshley Davidoff Duck FamilyAshley DavidoffTheCommonVein.net The Family Lying together in Bed on a Sunday MorningAshley DavidoffTheCommonVein.net The Stolen KissAshley DavidoffTheCommonVein.net A Community is made of all different individuals each providing their unique personalitiesAshley Davidoff MDTheCommonVein.net Dance TroupeAshley Davidoff MDTheCommonVein.net Dance TrioAshley Davidoff MDTheCommonVein.net