Uncategorized THE GOAL WITHOUT THE TOOLS TO GET THERE At this stage the playing field is level (kinda) July 15 2016 60 dog-walk-art-0061-catalogue-signed-e1539046465273.jpgTHE GOAL WITH THE TOOL BUT NO VEHICLE TO GET THERE At this stage the playing field is level as per David Lee Please ?Like? this post July 16 2016 61 dog-walk-art-0062-catalogue-signed-e1539046631632.jpgTHE GOAL WITH THE TOOL AND THE SYLLABUS (method, college courses, derech eretz etc) BUT STILL NO VEHICLE TO GET THERE Trying to work out with our kids on how to approach their lives and what they need to ?do good? to themselves and to the world ie to be true to themselves and in so doing do Tikun Olam (repair of the world) in their chosen work. The wall represents the goal, the ball is the tool or skill needed to get there, and the shadow from the ball to the wall represents the pathway that they have to take in order to achieve the goal (Some shadows along the way try to deviate one from the goal ? avoid distractions!) Next step is the vehicle ie their natural abilities (skill sets) Identifying or recognizing this aspect is the hardest part of the whole thing If all the elements are wisely chosen, and one ?keeps the eye on the prize?, self realisation and personal happiness is guaranteed ? money back if not satisfied July 16 2016 62When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.Confucius THE COMPLEX PATH TO SELF REALISATION ie you need a foundation and grounding, you need a focus and an an end point, you need to connect and work along multiple uphill pathways to get there! Thought this image could also be applied to an advert WEB DESIGN TO HELP YOUR COMPANY FLOURISH!! August 9 2016 84 Our own self-realization is the greatest service we can render the world. Ramana Maharshi WOODLINE by Andy Goldsworthy This beautiful work of art is located in Presidio park San Francisco ? Life is a long and winding path through unknown woods ? leading to something, somewhere ? enjoy the journey December 18 2016 177 Man can learn nothing except by going from the known to the unknown. Claude Bernard dog-walk-art-0475-catalog-signed.jpgQUESTIONS TO MYSELF Which ladder is my ladder? Do I really need to climb the ladder? Inspired by conversation and a series of books by our friend and fellow dog walker Jill Ebstein called ?At my Pace? July 19 475 Follow your own path, no matter what people say. Karl Marx