Quotes from History




The Cell

 “In the year 1657, I discovered very small living creatures in rain water”

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, Dutch scientist inventor 1632-1723


“The whole organism subsists only by means of the reciprocal action of the single elementary parts”

  Theodor Schwann German physiologist/biologist 1810-1882

“The cause of nutrition and growth resides not in the organism as whole but in separate elementary parts”

 Theodor Schwann German physiologist/biologist 1810-1882

“Every animal is a sum of vital units, each of which possesses the full characteristics of life.  The character and the unity of life cannot be found in one definite point of a higher organization, for example, in the brain of man, but only in the definite, constantly recurring disposition shown individually by each single element.  It follows that the composition of the major organism, the so called individual, must be likened to a kind of social arrangement or society in which a number of separate existences are dependent upon one another in such a way, however that each element possesses its own peculiar activity and carries out its own task by its own powers.”

Rudolph Virchow, German Pathologist/statesman 1821-1902

“I traveled among cells, watched their functioning….and realized that within myself was a grand assemblage of living organisms, all of which added up to me.”

John Lilly American  neurophysiologist/spiritualist 1984

Growth Age Time Cycles

“Researchers now propose that oxidation processes are one cause of cellular aging.  Put less prosaically, we may all be rusting.”

John Silberner American Science Journalist 1986

“Eventually the process of aging is unlikely to be simple, should be understandable.  Hopefully some of its processes can be slowed down or avoided.  In fact, in the next century, we shall have to tackle the question of the preferred form of death”

Francis Crick British biophysicist Geneticist 1986

“Every cell from a cell”

Rudolph Virchow, German Pathologist/statesman 1821-1902


“Eating should be done in silence, lest the windpipe open before the gullet, and life be in danger”

The Talmud circa 400


“To do nothing is sometimes a good remedy”

Hippocrates Greek physician 460BC

“Some remedies are worse than the disease”

Publius Syrus Roman poet (50?-100)

“If the just cure for the disease be full of peril, let the physician resort to palliation”

Francis Bacon English Philosopher/essayist statesmen 1561-1626