2500 BC
A 4,500 years old dress was unearthed in Giza (Egypt), and this is what it looks like after reconstruction. While the origonal strings disintegrated- the beads were left in place
Women being arrested for wearing one piece bathing suits, 1920s
Toffs and Toughs ? The photo that illustrates the class divide in pre-war Britain, 1937
Terrified face of a doomed innocent- in one of the most infamous miscarriages of justice in British legal history, Timothy Evans was convicted of the murder of his wife and daughter, and in 1950 hanged.
He was convicted for the murder of his wife and infant daughter. During his trial, Evans had accused his downstairs neighbor, John Christie, who was the chief prosecutor?s witness, of committing the murders.
Three years after Evans’ execution, Christie was found to be a serial killer who had murdered six other women in the same house, including his own wife. Before his execution, Christie confessed to murdering Mrs. Evans. An official inquiry concluded in 1966 that Christie had also murdered Evans’ daughter, and Evans was granted a posthumous pardon.
?The Ecstasy of Jazz?. Jazz fans absolutely caught in the moment at a Big Jay McNeely concert (Los Angeles, 1951)
A police officer issuing a woman a ticket for wearing a bikini on an Italian beach, 1957
France, 1959. Kids playing with the guillotine.
And they say that today ?s video games are violent!