Valves in the Body

The Common Vein Copyright 2007


Pulmonary Valve in Neonate
This is a post mortem specimen of a young pulmonary valve. Note how delicate the valve leaflets are. Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 00245 code PV normal anatomy
Septum Primum
01671 heart cardiac atrial septum septum primum septum secundum sinus venosus right atrium normal anatomy coronary sinus thebesian valve Eustachian valve coronary sinus triangle of Koch atrioventricular node A-V node grosspathology Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD AFD
Aortic Valve ? Health and Disease
07953c02 heart cardiac aorta aortic valve fx normal fx thickened fx bicuspid aortic valve fx calcified fx calcification fusion of the intercoronary commisures grossanatomy grosspathology Davidoff MD b and d Courtesy Henri Cuenoud MD

Aortic Stenosis ? Doming of the Valve ? LVH

07969bW.802 heart cardiac aorta aortic valve fx thickening of the aortic valves LVH left ventricular hypertrophy post stenotic dilatation of the ascending aorta turbulence eccentric jet doming of the aortic valve AV AS aortic stenosis Davidoff art
Mitral Valve
The most beautiful feature of the LA (in my opinion of course) is its view of the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve through the annulus. To see the chordae and the sail of the anterior leaflet biphasically flap-flapping must be a sight to behold. Courtesy of Ashley Davidoff M.D. code cardiac heart normal MV mitral valve anatomy 32106
Mitral and Tricuspid Valve
This diagram shows the thick walled smooth internal features of the left ventricle. There are two consistent sets of papillary muscles which are attached to the free wall of the left ventricle. It is also important to note that the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve has intimate contact with the base of the aortic valve. It can thus function as part of both the inflow as Courtesy of Ashley Davidoff M.D. 32125
Venous Valves
10392.800 vein arm basilic valve Davidoff MD
Venous Valves
26032d.800 vein arm basilic valve Davidoff MD
Venous Valves ? USscan
The USscans is from the median cubital vein of a patient who underwent USscan guidance for placement of a PICC line. It demonstrates the anatomy of the vein with semilunar valves. Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 39128c02 code CVS arm upper limb vein valve normal medial cubital vein basilic vein

Soft Palate and Superior Constrictors Act as A Valve to Prevent Reflux of Bolus up Nasopharynx

75239c01 teal = nasopharynx pink = soft palate maroon = superior constrictors soft palate nasopharynx oropharynx anatomy function physiology normal elevation of the soft palate The soft palate elevates, the superior constrictors converge on the soft palate, and food and fluid pass into the oropharynx minimal reflux up nasopharynx prevented from advancing into upper nasopharynx by soft palate and superior constrictors barium swallow normal Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD
Epiglottis Vocal Cords
49475 respiratory system airway epiglottis larynx vocal chords cords air density valves CTscan coronal projection Davidoff MD

Function of the Epiglottis in Swallowing

76182c01 epiglottis trachea esophagus osteophytes barium swallow cervical esophagus normal anatomy Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD

Apper Esophageal Spincter Open, (a) Closed (b) and beginning of Primary Stripping Wave

76204c esophagus cervical esophagus UES upper esophageal sphincter beginning of primary stripping wave normal physiology swallowing mechanism function single contrast barium swallow Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD
GE junction ? OPen
22221 esophagus stomach gastric gastroesophgeal junction GE junction longitudinal mucosal folds normal anatomy applied biology The Common Vein TCV double contrast upper GI barium swallow Davidoff MD
GE junction ? a Crimped and Closed Junction
22222 esophagus stomach gastric gastroesophgeal junction GE junction longitudinal mucosal folds normal anatomy applied biology The Common Vein TCV double contrast upper GI barium swallow Davidoff MD

Gastroesophageal Reflux

76171c01 esophagus GE junction gastroesophageal junction squamo-columnar junction z line epiphrenic ampulla gasrtric mucosa small hiatus hernia large amount of reflux to thoracic inlet double contrast barium swallow Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD
43404 stomach antrum pylorus pyloric channel duodenum normal anatomy UGI Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD
01978b stomach gastric pylorus duodenum junction normal anatomy
Ileocecal Valve
32525 code colon large bowel cecum ileocecal valve terminal ileum ascending colon transverse colon normal anatomy imaging radiology BE barium enema single contrast X-Ray normal anatomy Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD